Oh No, Paula Abdul Fell Right Off the Stage During Her Concert

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

Womp. Paula Abdul had a slight tour mishap at her Saturday night show in Biloxi, Mississippi, when she accidentally fell off stage mid performance of her song "The Promise of a New Day."

Paula was strutting down the stage to say "hi" to her legions of fans, when she straight-up fell of the stage, causing the audience to be all-caps SHOOK, with several people shrieking in dismay. Honestly understandable, 'cause she goes down hard.

The good news? Paula Abdul is an absolute legend, and got right back up to finish her song because the show! must! go! on! "After the fall, [Paula] got back up, never skipped a beat!" a fan at the concert told ET. "[Paula] stated, she has been a dancer for years so falls and drops she has gotten used to over the years! Other than the fall her show was absolutely amazing and she went on and finished like a champ!"

Yas, Paula, keep dancing like there's no tomorrow!

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