Nick Cannon Gave A Health Update To Fans After Coming Down With Pneumonia

Nick Cannon shared an update after receiving medical care for pneumonia.

nick pointing at the camera on the red carpet
Axelle / FilmMagic

He shared a couple of photos of himself in a black beanie and face mask from his hospital bed to reassure his fans that he was doing alright.

nick holdng a mic and wearing his wild'n out jersey
Chance Yeh / Getty Images

The Masked Singer host wrote on Instagram on Dec. 2: "I promised myself I would never be back at this place again… But this is a great lesson to take care of YOU or YOU won't be able to take care of everyone else."

nick in his hospital bed

He told fans "don't trip" and that he doesn't "need any well wishes or prayers, just some solid rest and [he] will be back on the journey to becoming stronger than ever..."

nick on stage with a mic
Scott Legato / Getty Images

Nick — who's expecting his 12th child — is confident he will bounce back. "It’s just pneumonia, nothing I can’t handle," he said.

closeup of nick smiling at an event
Jason Laveris / FilmMagic

Nick continued to share that he came down with pneumonia only a day after his sold-out New York performance for Nick Cannon Presents: Wild 'N Out Live at Madison Square Garden.

"Crazy thing is, last night we was just rocking a sold out crowd at Madison Square Garden in front of thousands of fans, now I'm all alone in a tiny hospital room," he said in his post. "Life is definitely a rollercoaster!"

nick in his hospital bed

He signed off the personal message to fans with the hashtag #LupusWarrior.

the whole instagram caption

Many of his collaborators and friends shared messages of support:

comment saying nick deserves rest and to get well
"please feel better romeo"
someone saying they know that feeling and also have more shows to put on but they've both got to let their bodies rest
lil jon's comment to get some rest because they have to keep repopulating the earth
"sending you love and prayers of healing, brother"
"damn, feel better boss man"
muscle and praying hand emojis
"god has u covered my brother. hear him now"

Best wishes for a quick recovery, Nick.