Netflix's War Movie "All Quiet On The Western Front" Will Leave You Pondering

Netflix's latest German epic, All Quiet on the Western Front is bathed in mud, blood, and horrors of war.

Aaron Hilmer points his rifle and looks toward someone beside him

1.The movie is worth every minute spent watching it.

2.Three words that perfectly summarize the movie: intense, brutal, horrifying.

3.This movie is quite dark. Literally and metaphorically.

4.I hope the Academy is listening.

5.One of the very few movies in recent times where the viewers and critics are in agreement.

6.A professor who teaches the novel on which the movie is based finds the movie "tremendous."

7.Only the dead have seen the end of war.

8.Will this movie bring Netflix's first Academy Award?

9.Most of the viewers are praising the movie in superlatives.

10.Who's gonna tell them?

11.This character is reminding viewers of the Sonic the Hedgehog villain.

12.Sounds like a fun idea.

13.Difficult to best this movie in its anti-war message.


15.Some feel that sensitive viewers ought to be warned before they watch this visceral movie.

16.Some were reminded of the novel on which the movie is based.

17.Well, you can't please everyone!

18.Sounds mad, right?

19.And finally, many viewers are drawing correct conclusions from the movie.