Netflix causes backlash after adding Titanic

netflix receives backlash for adding titanic
Netflix causes backlash by adding TitanicCBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

Titanic is set to return to Netflix in the US and Canada, but some users have suggested the timing is 'insensitive'.

It was announced earlier in the year that James Cameron's award-winning 1997 classic will be available to stream on the platform on 1 July. Meanwhile, the movie is still available on Prime Video.

However, Netflix has received backlash from some subscribers about the timing of this particular film being reinstated with the famous ocean liner in the headlines last week, after the horrific event on the Titan submersible.

It comes as Netflix also revealed the first trailer for a diving documentary about freediving world record holder Alessia Zecchini, titled The Deepest Breath.

On Twitter, one user suggested that the timing for Titanic's return was 'so wrong', while another said it was 'beyond distasteful'.

However, any agreement of the movie being added to Netflix would have been made a while ago, and it was confirmed a few weeks ago that it would return to the platform in the US and Canada on its July film list.

There are currently no plans for Titanic to be added to Netflix UK.

titanic being added to netflix
CBS Photo Archive - Getty Images

Film director and experienced deep-sea explorer Cameron also commented on the submersible tragedy that claimed all four passengers and the sub-pilot’s lives.

He told ABC News: 'I’m struck by the similarity of the Titanic disaster itself, where the captain was repeatedly warned about ice ahead of his ship and yet he steamed at full speed into an ice field on a moonless night and many died as a result.

'It’s a very similar tragedy at the exact same site. It’s astonishing and really quite surreal.'

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