Natural Home Remedies for Psoriasis

Medically reviewed by William Truswell, MD

Psoriasis can flare up at any time, impacting a person's quality of life. Since there is no cure for psoriasis, treatment aims to reduce discomfort and limit flare-ups.

Home remedies can complement standard medical psoriasis treatment. Often, these methods are easy to integrate into your everyday routine. However, they may not work for everyone, and many people need additional therapies.

This article discusses at-home psoriasis treatments, flare-ups, and when to talk to a healthcare provider.

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Is Psoriasis Curable?

There is no cure for psoriasis. Psoriasis is considered a chronic disease, and treatment focuses on managing symptoms and preventing flare-ups.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition that causes a buildup of skin cells that leads to itchy, scaly dry patches of skin. It can be managed, but no treatments currently exist that can make it go away completely.

Related: Supplements for Psoriasis: Which Ones Have Benefits or Risks?

Medical Treatments for Psoriasis

Standard medical psoriasis treatments may include the following:

  • Topical over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription creams: These drugs may include corticosteroids, which help reduce inflammation and redness. Some nonsteroidal topical medications slow skin cell growth. Other creams are a form of vitamin D that flattens lesions and removes scales.

  • Phototherapy: This method uses ultraviolet light to slow the rate of skin cell growth. These treatments are usually done in a healthcare provider's office, but sometimes you can use phototherapy at home.

  • Oral prescription medications: Biologics target specific parts of the immune system. Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) stop joint damage that can occur in some types of psoriasis, like psoriatic arthritis. Other drugs are used to control an overactive immune response.

Related: How Psoriasis Is Treated


Keeping psoriasis moisturized is a must. When skin dries out, it is more likely to feel irritated. Apply psoriasis moisturizer or lotion immediately after showering and then again before bed. Look for fragrance- and dye-free products, so they do not irritate your skin.

When experiencing a flare-up, moisturizing and wrapping your affected skin with a bandage can help loosen scales. Some people like to do this overnight for maximum coverage and effect.

Using a Humidifier

Humidifiers are another essential tool for psoriasis because they put moisture into the air, which helps keep skin healthy. Using a humidifier is especially important in dry climates and in the winter months. It can also be important in warmer months when air-conditioning sucks the moisture out of indoor air.

Related: 10 Psoriasis Self-Care Practices You Can Do at Home

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a naturally soothing plant that relieves many skin ailments, including psoriasis. Choose creams that contain 0.5% aloe. You can also apply the gel directly from an aloe plant (if you have one) up to three times daily.

Related: Psoriasis Treatment

Warm Baths

Warm baths can be a great way to hydrate and soothe skin. But be sure to avoid hot baths or soaking too long, as that can have the opposite effect. Adding bath oils to your bathwater can further help moisturize the skin and make it more receptive to moisturizers and topical medications.

Related: The Best Shampoos for Psoriasis of 2024


Sunlight works like medical ultraviolet (UV) light therapy to improve psoriasis. Sun exposure comes with some risks, including sunburn, skin damage, and cancer if you don't use protection while in the sun. Some tips for safer sunlight exposure include:

  • Use sunscreen when you are in direct sunlight.

  • Avoid peak sun time (10 a.m. to 3 p.m.).

  • Wear a hat and sunglasses.

Some medications have photosensitivity side effects, making you more susceptible to sunburn when you are on them. If that's the case, sunlight therapy may not be best for you. Talk to a healthcare provider about how to use sun exposure safely.


Capsaicin is the spicy ingredient in chili peppers. This ingredient is added to topical creams and medications, which help with pain by blocking nerve endings. It might also reduce redness and swelling associated with psoriasis. However, some people notice a burning sensation when they use capsaicin. Try it on a small patch of unaffected skin first to ensure you don't react.

Oregon Grape

Oregon grape is an antimicrobial herb that helps with immune response. You can apply a cream with 10% Oregon grape to treat psoriasis. This herb should only be used topically under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

Stress Relief

Stress and psoriasis are related. In one study, 31% to 88% of people reported stress as a trigger for their flare-ups. People with stressful events in the prior year saw a higher incidence of psoriasis, causing researchers to speculate that stress may even play a role in the onset of the disease in predisposed people.

Specific mind-body therapies may help reduce stress, including:

Avoiding Alcohol and Smoking

Alcohol and smoking have been associated with psoriasis risk. Those with psoriasis are at increased risk of alcohol misuse and dependency. Increased alcohol use can worsen psoriasis and lead to other conditions, including:

Smoking increases the chance of developing psoriasis, and it may make you less responsive to treatment.

Related: Psoriasis Flare-Ups and Alcohol

Diet and Exercise

A study found that vigorous physical activity is related to a reduced prevalence of psoriasis. Regular physical activity was found to improve skin lesions. This is especially true for outdoor exercise done in the sun.

Learning what to eat when you have psoriasis may also be helpful.


Turmeric's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties are beneficial for psoriasis. This herb can minimize psoriasis flares in some people. You can take turmeric in pill form or use it in food preparation.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known for helping decrease inflammation. Unfortunately, research on the role of omega-3 fatty acids in psoriasis is inconclusive, with some showing benefits and others not showing improvement.

However, since omega-3 fatty acids are a crucial nutrient in all diets, it doesn't hurt to try them. You can find omega-3s in fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts. You can also take it as a supplement.

Related: Foods to Avoid With Psoriasis: What to Eat, Triggers to Avoid

Understanding the Triggers of Psoriasis Flares

One of the most effective management strategies for psoriasis is identifying and avoiding triggers. Identifying triggers can take detective work, but noticing a pattern can help you avoid things that cause your psoriasis to flare up.

Some common psoriasis triggers include:

  • Stress

  • Skin injury

  • Illness

  • Exposure to cold, dry air

  • Allergies

  • Certain foods

  • Alcohol

  • Environmental factors

Related: What Causes Psoriasis Flare-Ups?

Talking to a Healthcare Provider About Alternative Treatments

Most of the time, complementary treatments are insufficient to treat psoriasis alone. Instead, they enhance medical care.

It's always best to discuss at-home therapies with a healthcare provider. This way you can team up to receive the best overall care. Plus, your provider may alert you to some risks (like photosensitivity) based on your general health circumstances and medical history.


Numerous natural strategies can help manage psoriasis at home. These include keeping your skin moist, applying aloe vera, taking warm baths, exposing yourself to sunlight, reducing stress, trying herbs and nutrients, and avoiding alcohol and smoking.

Even though these strategies can help, they are not a cure for psoriasis and are usually best used alongside standard medical treatment.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.