Moment Former Lab Testing Beagle Tries His First Pup Cup Is Giving People the Feels

Pup cups (or cups of whipped cream) are a famous treat in the canine world. Many dogs will devour the entire dessert in a matter of moments! For some, though, accepting treats at all can be an immense challenge.

Ted the rescued Beagle is one of those pups who doesn't always trust others or the treats he's given. This makes sense due to his history as a former laboratory dog, but we can only imagine the joy his mama @sammcgraww was experiencing when he finally tried a pup cup for the very first time!

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Aww--good boy Ted! That's such a major milestone for an ex-laboratory testing dog. We can only imagine how difficult it was for him to adjust to his new home, so the fact that he's come so far is oh-so-heartwarming.

"Where did you adopt him from?" asked commenter @taylorlovesarson. "Is there an organization you recommend?" Great question! Ted's mama replied that she recommends Beagle Freedom Project, though she didn't specify if that where she rescued Ted. We can second her recommendation, though; BFP does so much to help animals who are victims of 'experimental research.' We cannot thank them enough for what they do!

As for Ted, though, we are just over the moon to see him learning to trust people a tiny bit more. We hope the barista who put the pup cup together knows that Ted trusts them and their treat, because this is such a wonderful accomplishment. If only Ted could know how many safe, yummy dog treats there are out in the world!

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