Mark Wahlberg's 7-Move Bodyweight Blast

Photo credit: SMXRF/Star Max - Getty Images
Photo credit: SMXRF/Star Max - Getty Images

From Men's Health

Throughout his lengthy acting career, Mark Wahlberg has trained his body for a variety of roles. He layered muscle upon muscle to star alongside Dwayne Johnson in Pain and Gain, was athletic in Invincible, and sported a leaner look before his days as an actor.

He did it all with a training regimen that's become the stuff of internet legend: He's awake before the average guy, more scheduled than most humans, and he trains hard. But he's also evolved all that training over time and now, at age 49, he's not necessarily lifting massive weights every day of the week. Instead, Wahlberg's come to appreciate the simplicity and challenge that comes with bodyweight exercises and interval training, and he uses both styles of training to maximum effect.

Will Wahlberg's approach layer muscle upon muscle onto your body? No, but it is a good, quick way to get a good sweat. One of Wahlberg’s favorite routines is a 60-minute F45 session called Hollywood, a 27-station HIIT workout. It involves 40-on, 15-off intervals. Go to for the full circuit. Don’t have an hour? Do 2 rounds of this Hollywood-inspired circuit.

Step Trainer Shuffle

Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood
Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood

Start with your left foot on a step trainer, right foot on the ground. Now quickly shift your right foot onto the step trainer, left foot off the ground. Alternate back and forth until time’s up. Stay on the balls of your feet!

1 Inchworm to 10 Mountain Climbers

Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood
Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood

Start standing, then place your hands on the ground. Walk them forward til you’re in pushup position, then do 10 mountain climbers. Return to pushup position and walk back to standing. Repeat.

Squat Pulse

Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood
Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood

Start standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the knees and hips, lowering until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Pulse down a few inches, then back up; do this til time is up.


Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood
Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood

Place your forearms and legs on the ground, and keep your core tight as you hold a plank.

Ice Skater

Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood
Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood

Start on your left foot, knee bent. Leap to the right, landing on your right foot, knee bent, left foot not hitting the ground. Leap back and forth until time’s up.


Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood
Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood

Lie on your back, arms and legs outstretched. Tighten your core, lifting your straight legs high; touch your hands to your toes. Return to the start. That’s 1 rep.

5 Burpees to 10 High-Knees

Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood
Photo credit: Ben Mounsey-Wood

Do a burpee, then stand up. As soon as you stand, do 10 high-knee run steps, driving knee as high as you can. That’s 1 rep. Repeat.

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