Man put cash into ex’s bank account with abusive references like "tramp" and "slag" to get revenge

Photo credit: Nick David - Getty Images
Photo credit: Nick David - Getty Images

A woman has been granted a restraining order against her ex after he bombarded her with calls and texts, later resorting to sending abusive messages through her banking app.

Warrington Magistrates Court heard how 29-year-old Jack Roach from Cheshire sent "constant texts and calls" to 24-year-old Rachel Thomas-Tear after their three-month relationship came to an end in January. Thomas-Tear went on to block her ex, but he continued to contact her using withheld numbers. Prosecutors also said that Roach went as far as setting up fake Snapchat accounts to try and contact the mum-of-one.

When Rachel eventually changed her phone number, she noticed money coming into her bank account with payment references including: "Unblock me to talk", 'Scruffy little slag", and "Little tramp, no wonder you have got no one".

Roach had sent the messages to his ex's Monzo account, meaning she was forced to see the messages pop-up on her phone until she disabled her notifications. It's unclear how much money Thomas-Tear received, but the court heard that the number of transfers sent by Roach totalled 41.

One month on from their split, Thomas-Tear reported Roach for harassment and stalking in February, but he breached orders not to contact her under his bail conditions and was still contacting her in May, the court was told.

Photo credit: Maria Korneeva - Getty Images
Photo credit: Maria Korneeva - Getty Images

As well as bombarding her online, Roach went to the victim's home, leaving flowers, candles and other items on her doorstep. The 29-year-old admitted to visiting the property and claimed that the gifts he left were to "lift her spirits" in hope "that the relationship could be renewed".

In court, Roach denied creating fake social media accounts to contact his ex or making as many calls as she claimed. However, he did admit to stalking and using "insulting and derogatory terms if she did not respond".

"Before all this I was a happy outgoing person but this has affected me in such a way that I am no longer able to trust people. I do not go out for fear that I might bump into him," Thomas-Tear said in a statement read out in court.

"I am constantly on edge that he may turn up at my home as he has done. I am saving up for a camera doorbell. I live in fear daily. I do not sleep very well as I am constantly worrying, especially if I hear a noise at night," she went on.

"If I go out I am constantly looking over my shoulder. It has impacted on my son as well. I should be able to take him to the park but I can not. I do not visit my family much as they live in the same area as the defendant. It has impacted me majorly, as they are the only support I have."

Roach was ordered to pay £545 in fines, costs and a victim surcharge and ordered to carry out 135 hours of unpaid work as well as 20 days of rehabilitation activities.

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