If A Loved One Has COPD, Keep An Eye Out For These Other Health Issues

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What Caretakers of COPD Patients Should KnowPeopleImages - Getty Images

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, affects 16 million Americans. If you’re caring for someone with the disease, you’re probably familiar with how COPD impacts lung function and breathing, but it’s also important to know that someone with COPD may be vulnerable to other serious conditions—some of which tend to be overlooked.

“COPD is an obstruction of the airways, and it progressively worsens over time,” says Michigan-based pulmonologist Sanjay Dogra, MD. That gradual worsening is one reason why additional problems can crop up. What’s more, Dr. Dogra says, “While not every case is associated with smoking, 90 percent are. As a result, patients with COPD are at a higher risk of developing other diseases that correlate with smoking.”

Here are four often overlooked conditions that can couple with COPD, and the symptoms that signal them.

Lung Cancer

Smokers with COPD are twice as likely to develop lung cancer as those without the chronic condition.

What to watch out for:
“Lung cancer is usually asymptomatic, so it’s important to follow screening guidelines based on a patient’s severity of COPD and how long they’ve been smoking,” Dr. Dogra says. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends annual screenings for anyone who has a history of heavy smoking (smoking a pack a day for 30 years, or an equivalently aggressive amount, say, two packs a day for 15 years), and currently smokes (or who has quit within the past 15 years), and is also between the ages of 55 and 80.

Bullous Lung Disease

Emphysema is one of the diseases under the umbrella of COPD, and having emphysema can put you at higher risk for developing a condition called bullous lung disease. “This is when there are big, air-filled balloons sitting in the lungs, which increases risk of infection, lung abscesses, and other complications,” explains Dr. Dogra.

What to watch out for: Caretakers should look for shortness of breath that’s worse than usual, an increase of coughing, coughing accompanied by yellow or green phlegm, or a fever. “If those things happen, you need to call their doctor and see if they need extra treatment,” he says. By getting a prompt diagnosis, any large bulla, or balloons, can be surgically removed.

Collapsed Lung

If bullous lung disease is left untreated, the balloons of air in the lung can burst, leading to this dangerous condition. The impact can be serious: Complications of collapsed lungs can include shock, severe inflammation, and fluid in the lungs.

What to watch out for: A sudden and severe shortness of breath and pain in any part of the chest are the biggest warning signs of a collapsed lung. If you notice these symptoms, get the patient to an emergency room immediately, says Dr. Dogra. Acting quickly can help prevent further complications.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are a common problem for people with COPD, and something caretakers should be on the lookout for. “COPD patients tend to have a loss of appetite due to less physical activity, increased tendency of depression, and having a harder time breathing while eating,” says Dr. Dogra. “Because of this, they often stop paying attention to food.”

What to watch out for: Do they have weight loss and muscle loss? “If so, check with their pulmonologist and primary care physician to make sure their diet is appropriate,” Dr. Dogra says. In general, patients need to consume more calories, which is something Dr. Dogra says can be accomplished by eating smaller, more frequent meals made up of healthy fats and protein. What's more, they may benefit from taking supplements under the guidance of a nutritionist and physician, especially calcium and vitamin D to help fight muscle weakness.

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