Let's be real, Paris Fury is the actual MVP of At Home With The Furys

paris fury is the mvp of at home with the furys
Paris Fury is the MVP of At Home With The Furys Netflix

I wasn't exactly sure what I was expecting when I logged onto Netflix to watch their latest reality series At Home With The Furys, which gives exclusive access to the life of heavy-weight boxing champion Tyson Fury and his family. A look at Tyson's mental health journey? It was refreshingly insightful. Molly-Mae and Tommy's scenes talking about Bambi? Well, it was a given they would be cute. But the one thing I really wasn't expecting was to become head over heels obsessed with Paris Fury.

For the uninitiated (me, until I started this series): Paris Fury is the wife of Tyson Fury and the pair have been married for nearly 15 years, with six children and a seventh on the way. As Tyson's wife, I expected her to be a prominent part of the series, but in all honesty, she completely carries the show. Thanks to her refreshing honesty, dedication to her family and complete down to earth energy, she was a complete joy to watch on screen.

paris fury is the mvp of at home with the furys

Throughout the series, you see her deal with the reality of Tyson's mental health journey. In candid moments speaking to camera, Paris indirectly highlights how mental health doesn't just impact the individual, but can be incredibly heavy on someone's partner and family. She never judges him, instead creating an environment of love and support, all the while acknowledging the difficulty she and the family faces, too.

Speaking of the family, Paris is raising six children under the age of 13, the majority of the time by herself, due to Tyson's boxing commitments. In all the scenes with her children, she seems a firm but fair mother, who wants the best for them. She wants them to respect the traditions they were brought up in, and certain scenes with eldest daughter Venezuela were particularly refreshing. In one particular moment, Paris tells Venezuela she doesn't mind what path in life she chooses, providing she's committed to it.

Throughout the series, Paris also touches on how she keeps her family grounded despite their fame and fortune. At one point, she's seen wrapping up some socks for Tyson's birthday, rather than designer gifts, and in another, she's taking her kids to the beach without their dad so they can have a 'normal life' - something she says they don't always have when their dad is around.

Dspite everything she has going on around her, Paris somehow still manages to prioritise her own needs and career, too, with an appearance on Loose Women in the first episode. Honestly, how does she do it all?

paris fury is the mvp of at home with the furys

She gives 110 per cent energy, humour, and honesty in every scene she's in. In fact, the Kardashians could probably pick up a thing or two from Paris. She prompts and take parts in interesting conversations and doesn't gloss over the hard bits of life. In short, she's the kind of person you would always want in your corner.

Forget Tyson's wins, Paris is the real champion in the Fury house.

At Home With The Furys is available on Netflix now

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