Lawsuit filed against Utah Legislature over gerrymandering in congressional maps

Several governmental accountability groups filed a lawsuit against the Utah Legislature for allegedly illegally gerrymandering the state’s congressional districts during last year’s special session, a Thursday press release from the Campaign Legal Center said.

The plaintiffs are two member-based organizations — the League of Women Voters of Utah and Mormon Women for Ethical Government — plus seven individuals that live in Salt Lake County.

In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs said the newly drawn congressional map is “an extreme partisan gerrymander.”

They also said the Utah Legislature diluted Proposition 4, placed on the ballot in 2018, which would have made it so an independent commission would handle the state’s redistricting process instead of the legislature.

The measure passed with a small majority of 50.3% but it was later amended by lawmakers to make it so the independent commission would serve in an advisory role to the legislature and lawmakers would make the final decision on the maps.

This past redistricting cycle the independent commission created 12 sets of maps for Utah’s four voting district maps, and the legislature rejected all the commission maps and enacted those drawn by lawmakers behind closed doors.

More: GOP Utah lawmakers approve redistricting maps over opposition

This lawsuit won’t affect the congressional districts for the 2022 midterm election — the filing deadline for this election has already passed — rather it seeks to change the boundaries for the 2024 election.

The lawsuit is also not going after the House, Senate or school board district maps enacted by the legislature.

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Instead, it said the congressional districts were gerrymandered in favor of Republicans since it dilutes the voice of voters in Salt Lake County, Utah’s most Democratic county.

The League of Women Voters said many of their members live in Salt Lake County and will have a negative effect on them.

“The partisan gerrymandered 2021 Congressional Plan threatens LWVUT’s voter mobilization mission by silencing the voices of LWVUT’s members, making their representatives less accountable, and reducing voter interest in now non-competitive congressional races,” the lawsuit said.

The Utah Legislature holds session on redistricting in Utah where citizens fire shots at representatives
The Utah Legislature holds session on redistricting in Utah where citizens fire shots at representatives

The Princeton Gerrymandering project, which provides analysis of voting districts maps across the nation, graded these congressional maps and determined all the districts were non-competitive and favored Republicans.

One of the independent commission maps that was crafted with an urban-rural split in mind would have created three safe Republican districts and one competitive district that slightly favors Democrats. This map would split Washington County into two different congressional districts.

When crafting these maps, lawmakers said they wanted to have an urban-rural split for all the districts since that would be the best way for Utah to be represented in the House of Representatives.

In October of 2021, when a legislative redistricting committee held a hearing in St. George the senator who chaired that committee, Sen. Scott Sandall (R-District 17), said the legislature would prioritize one of two philosophies for the congressional maps.

A copy of the congressional district map created by the chairs of the Legislative Redistricting Committee.
A copy of the congressional district map created by the chairs of the Legislative Redistricting Committee.

“One set of philosophy that says '75% of the population lives on the Wasatch Front so they should have three congressional districts,'” said Sandall. “This other mindset that says ‘just a minute listen, we are better off if we have an integrated [with both rural and urban Utah] congressional seat because then we have four voices.’”

More: Redistricting Public Hearings focus on urban/rural divide and Congressional Districts

In response to redistricting, a protest was held outside the state capitol during the legislative special session this past November.

A December poll from the Hinckley Institute and the Deseret News found only 25% of Utahns supported the congressional maps that split Salt Lake County. The same poll also found 32% of people opposed the maps and 43% of the people didn’t know enough about the maps to have an opinion.

This matches a trend of states getting sued over their newly created voting districts maps made after the 2020 U.S. Census. According to the Brennan Center for Justice before this lawsuit, 21 states have been sued over their redistricting process.

If this lawsuit is successful Utah redistricting rules will revert to those established originally by Proposition 4 and have an independent commission handle the redistricting process.

The groups that filed the lawsuit are set to hold a press conference outside the Utah Capitol building at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday.

Sean Hemmersmeier covers local government, growth and development in Southwestern Utah. Follow on Twitter @seanhemmers34. Our work depends on subscribers so if you want more coverage on these issues you can subscribe here:

This article originally appeared on St. George Spectrum & Daily News: Utah Legislature in lawsuit over alleged gerrymandering