Jeffree Star Responds to Cultural Appropriation Claims After Wearing Cornrows

"Young kids trying to be mad at something always."

Jeffree Star is under fire yet again, but this time it's for his hairstyle choice. The beauty vlogger posted a photo to his Twitter account wearing platinum blonde feed-in braids with green tips at a Jeffree Cosmetics holiday photo shoot. After sharing the photos with the caption "Money Honey," people flooded his mentions with accusations that he's appropriating black culture.

One user responded, "Using others cultures (in this case a hairstyle) as a makeup look and image that will be used to promote his brand and make sales is cultural appropriation if I have ever seen it. It would be different if it was for appreciation and raising a voice to a community who gets looked down on and called unprofessional/dirty for having natural hair, wearing dreads, and wearing braids." Another user chimed in, saying: "It is appropriation. It's my culture. If I have to kill my hair with heat and chemicals to be accepted but watch people wearing braided hairstyles, that originated from my ancestors, make money off of it and I get rejected for it... Something isn't right."

Speaking in Jeffree's defense, one wrote: "Girl, it’s not cultural appropriation. I’m black and I don’t have an issue with it and neither does anyone in my family or my friends. All I see are white people having an issue with it. It’s HAIR. There are people dying in other countries and you’re mad about HAIR? #cantrelate." Although Jeffree never addressed the cultural appropriation accusations directly, he did respond to this user saying, "Hahaha preach!!! young kids trying to be mad at something always."

This isn't the first time Jeffree Star's been called out for being insensitive to the black community. He's been accused of using the N-word numerous times, he allegedly called Jackie Aina a "gorilla", and he was charged with making several derogatory comments about black women, reportedly saying he wanted to throw battery acid on a black woman to lighten her skin to match her foundation.

After the first round of racist allegations, Jeffree issued an apology claiming that he "holds no racist feelings" and is a changed man. It should also be noted that Laura Lee was exposed for making similar comments in the past and has since lost major sponsorships, while Jeffree seemingly remains untouched.

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