Who is Jamie Big Sorrel Horse AKA @jamie32bsh on TikTok?

TikTok's new favorite person is just a regular guy dancing and lipsyncing. TikTok's new favorite person is just a regular guy dancing and lipsyncing. Jamie Big Sorrel Horse, AKA @jamie32bsh, has 1.9 million TikTok followers. Jamie Big Sorrel Horse, AKA @jamie32bsh, has 1.9 million TikTok followers. Some of his videos have amassed over 100 million views. Horse's content features him dancing and lip-syncing to pop songs. The thing is Horse is not particularly good at either. Yet there isn't a single video on his page with less than 3 million views. While Social media isn't exactly known for its authenticity. Horse isn't hyper manicured, a team didn't style him, he's not professionally trained. he's not selling anything and if he has an agenda, it's not apparent. he's not selling anything and if he has an agenda, it's not apparent. He's just having fun with no pretensions and maybe a lot of people could use that right now. "Brutha just changed TikTok forever," someone commented. "Everything on point," another wrote. "I love your energy, I'm dancing," a person said

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