Instagram Released the Most Popular Thanksgiving Pies by State and America Has Questions

Enjoying a slice of pie for Thanksgiving dessert is a must for most tables around America every year. In a recent post by Instagram to its Facebook page, the photo-sharing app revealed the most popular Thanksgiving pies by state. You're probably already thinking pumpkin pie is the champion, right? Well, think again. As if 2020 wasn't already weird enough, apparently 14 states love cranberry pie the most. Wait, what?! That's right, we're talking pie and not cranberry sauce. It turns out the social media commenters are raising eyebrows at the results as well. Even more strange, pumpkin pie only has three states boasting it as their favorite pie! According to Instagram, the app sourced the data based on the likes and mentions of pie flavors over the last month from in-feed and Instagram Story posts. This is how they stacked up.

Courtesy of Instagram

Cranberry pie is closely followed by sweet potato pie with 11 states claiming it's the fave. From there cherry pie, blueberry pie, and pecan pie all tied with six states in their favor. After that, we have strawberry pie with four states. Coming in for the last two spots we finally see the expected traditional holiday pies: pumpkin pie (three states) and apple pie (way to go, Connecticut!).

If you're scratching your head at these results, you're not alone. Several of the hundreds of Facebook commenters so far don't understand how cranberry pie won their state, saying things like, "Never in my life have I had cranberry pie." Even here at Better Homes & Gardens we have very few pie recipes (out of hundreds!) containing just cranberries in the filling without another fruit such as apples or pears. And while sweet potato pie is a bit more common for a Thanksgiving feast, there are some serious doubts about it taking second place.

It's a mystery to me how so many Instagram mentions of these less-common pies outranked traditional holiday favorites. But all pie is good pie in my book. No matter which pie you're serving on your Thanksgiving menu, it's sure to be a delicious one. I still plan to enjoy my pumpkin pie with a big dollop of whipped cream after stuffing my face with roast turkey and all the sides.