ICYMI: Orangutans and babies, a twin rescue, and animals golfing and getting degrees

This week on Humankind, inspiration came in many forms.

Creatures featured heavily in our favorite stories. We saw an ape take a shine to a mom and her baby at the zoo, a squirrel tag along with a group of golfers, and a doting dog receive a diploma. A couple of kids made the cut, too, when a twin sister saved her brother's life, and a little girl celebrated the gift of sight. Watch an orangutan bond with a baby, another baby see clearly for the first time, a twin rescue her brother, and animals getting degrees and playing golf.In our top video of the week, an orangutan at the Louisville Zoo in Kentucky asked to see Kayla Jaylen Natsis's three-month-old son Jordan. Gazing adoringly at the baby, she kissed the glass twice. Then there's Justin, the service dog, who got a diploma from Seton Hall University in New Jersey along with his owner, Grace Mariani, after accompanying her to all her classes. Mariana's degree is in elementary and special education.

Up next, a 12-year-old Massachusetts girl sprang into action when her twin brother Charlie Loverme choked on some cheese in the cafeteria at Leicester Middle School. Meanwhile, Maraena Scarbrough's one-year-old daughter, Ireland, had an adorable reaction to seeing clearly for the first time in her life after getting glasses.

Last but not least, a baby squirrel in Plymouth, Michigan, tagged along for 16 holes at a Michigan golf course. And persistence paid off, as one of the golfers, Mike Gurney, later took his new furry friend to a wildlife rehabilitation center.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Good news: an adoring orangutan, a twin rescue, a dog getting a degree