These Are The Final Couples Of "Single's Inferno" Season 2

The finale of Single's Inferno Season 2 hit Netflix this week, and the contestants had to make their final decisions about who they'd like to leave Inferno with.

So-e looks at Se-jun seriously
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Like the process of going to Paradise, you can only leave with the person you choose if they chose you as well. Some people left in couples, while others were left alone.

Choi Jong-woo looks towards the ceiling in thought
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Here's how Single's Inferno Season 2 ended for everyone:

Lee Nadine: Single

Nadine smiles at a dinner table

Park Se-jeong: Single

Park Se-jeong looks off into the distance

It wasn't an easy time in Inferno for Park Se-jeong, and we think some of the contestants might have been regretting not taking a chance on her when they learned she was a model. Park Se-jeong also left Inferno alone.

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Kim Han-bin: Single

Kim Han-bin stares off into the distance

Kim Han-bin was an easy contestant to root for, with his charming smile and skills in the kitchen. He fell for Choi Seo-eun and followed his heart to the end, even knowing that his chances were low. In the end, Kim Han-bin left Inferno alone.

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Shin Dong-woo: Single

Shin Dong-woo looks upset as he stares in the distance

While Shin Dong-woo tried to connect with a few contestants, he was most struck by Shin Seul-ki, even though she didn't show much interest back. Even knowing her heart wasn't with him, he chose Seul-ki, but she didn't choose him. Dong-woo left Inferno alone.

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Lim Min-su: Single

Lim Min-su smiles while sitting on a beach chair

Lim Min-su came in toward the end and got to know everyone, but each time she went to Paradise, she chose the same person: Kim Jin-young. She took a bold approach to pursue him and had some hard times watching him get to know other girls. In the end, she left Inferno single.

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Kim Jin-young: Single

Wearing all black, Kim Jin-young sits on a bed and looks serious

Lee So-e: Kim Se-jun

Lee So-e smiles cutely at Kim Se-jun

Choi Seo-eun: Jo Yoong-jae

Choi Seo-eun and Jo Yoong-Jae sit across from each other smiling

Shin Seul-ki: Choi Jong-woo

Shin Seul-ki smiles up at Choi Jong-woo, holding hands

Whose ending shocked you the most? Do you have a favorite couple? Let us know in the comments!