Florence Pugh's Pout Will Live On In Cinema For Decades To Come

We all know and love Florence Pugh: indie horror darling, Academy Award–nominated queen, and — what this post is about — unmatched deliverer of adorable, yet sad and nuanced, pouts.

  Edward Berthelot / Getty Images
Edward Berthelot / Getty Images

As a perpetual frowner in my childhood, I feel personally connected to Florence's pout, which has graced screens from Ari Aster's chilling Midsommar to the recent Marvel powerhouse Black Widow.

Little Women pout, via Amy March

This pout is giving

Midsommar pout, courtesy of Dani

I'm sure we are all familiar with the absolutely chaotic plot of Midsommar, which sees our vulnerable and traumatized heroine succumb to a controlling, white supremacist cult. If I stare too long at this pout, I'll actually start sobbing, simply because Florence's expression captures how exhausted, beaten down, and hopeless Dani feels near the end of the film.

Black Widow pout, via the iconic Yelena Belova

(Spoiler alert for this one!) This pout is particularly heartbreaking, as it comes after Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) let's her younger sister know that the time their family spent together in Ohio was real for her too.

Watch the full pout unfold here.

And, of course, I'm not the only devoted stan of the Florence Pugh Pout Cinematic Universe.

What makes her pout even more special is the fact that she's been doing it since day 1.

In conclusion:

And I don't want to!