Gwyneth Paltrow and Stephen Colbert combine lifestyle brands

Gwyneth Paltrow visited The Late Show With Stephen Colbert where she discussed the upcoming Goop Wellness Summit and the possibility of conscious coupling with Colbert's lifestyle brand Covetton House. Colbert created Covetton House as a spoof to Goop. And the host has made Paltrow and her lifestyle brand the butt of many jokes throughout his tenure. Paltrow was a good sport and joined Colbert for a sketch in which they discussed some of the ridiculous products there lifestyle brands promote. The two drank smoothies and talked about yoni eggs. Colbert even gave Paltrow a sample of his binaural meditation by making whale sounds in her ear. In the end, Gwyneth revealed the secret face cream that she swears by. Colbert was so excited to try it that he did not heed her warnings. His face ended up looking just like Paltrow's, which earned a laugh from the actress.