Guns, mass shootings and what the Second Amendment means now: Desert Sun readers speak up

Teachers need training — and raises

I agree with the statement that “Guns don't kill people; people kill people,” but more importantly I concur with the movement “See Something, Say Something.”

I think all teachers should be required to take a class in recognizing troubled children. Not only to report hostile children, but to befriend sad or depressed kids.

I'm not implying that the shooter in Texas was a former student, but perhaps he was a student somewhere.

I also think teachers' salaries should be raised in light of school violence.

Joan B. Hobin, Palm Desert

Carrying on, with caution

In the mid-1990s I was asked to answer questions from elementary students in Havana, Cuba. I was asked if I was afraid to live in the United States because it is so violent. I replied that I wasn't afraid because real life is different from the image presented by popular movies. The United States is not populated by cowboy gunslingers and gangsters.

Unfortunately, if asked that question today, my answer would be different.

While I'm not afraid, I am cautious. I scan fellow passengers on planes. I make myself aware of different exits in public places. I assess the sensibility of a gathering before joining. I would have to respond that while life in the U.S. is more dangerous than life in other countries, we muddle through much as did the British during World War II ("Keep calm and carry on").

In the words of Pogo, we have met the enemy and he is us.

Bob Marlin, Palm Springs

Stop shouting and start thinking

We need to stop shouting at each other about guns.

I am not a gun owner nor a member of the NRA. I believe in the rule of law and that outside of that, no one has the right to tell us what we should do.

I believe we need to limit access to guns for those who are a potential danger. But to do so requires an amendment to the Constitution that modifies the Second Amendment. Otherwise, laws will never resolve the issue as they will constantly be challenged.

Everyone should read James Madison's Federalist No. 46, from which the Second Amendment was drawn. Founders intended to have citizens well armed to defend themselves against a potential tyrannical central government. This is what the Revolutionary War was fought about.

It's why this right is the second right, behind the First Amendment's freedoms of religion, speech, the press and peaceful protest. Without the ability to defend those, you could eventually lose them.

Members of Congress can propose amendments to the Constitution. They need to stop shouting at each other, do their homework, negotiate an amendment that makes sense, talk to us about it in a civil manner and begin to act like grownups to actually resolve this issue.

Jim Bockel, Indio

Second Amendment as obsolete as muskets

With the recent gun violence at public schools and other places across this nation, the question of gun control is again being debated. Any discussion must start with the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

It reads: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” It clearly makes no mention of the unrestricted right to have arms for sportsmanship, personal homestead protection, hunting or other common uses.

The framers were clear that the Second Amendment was meant for the readiness of a militia to protect the new nation. The Bill of Rights was written in 1789, at a time of no national military, no National Guard and virtually no state, county, or local law enforcement. The Continental Army had disbanded. The nation depended on local militias to defend it, using such “lethal weapons” as single-shot black powder muskets and swords.

Given today’s world, the Second Amendment is obsolete. In contrast, the First Amendment is the cornerstone of our government. It decrees that Congress will not establish any national religion or restrict freedom of religion, speech, the press and assembly of the people; and it allows that the citizens can petition the government with grievances. Yet these broad rights are commonly and legally regulated and restricted.

Yet I ask you, what is more dangerously lethal to society: a citizen not associated with the military or law enforcement with an AK-47, or that same person getting an abortion or protesting?

It is time for us to stop the insanity and move in a positive direction on the critical issue of gun control and restriction.

Alexander Schriener Jr., Bermuda Dunes

All rights have their limits

All constitutional rights have limits. The most famous is that free speech does not permit yelling “fire” in a crowded theater. Reasonable limits on access to guns are, despite Sen. Ted Cruz’s declaration to the contrary, constitutional and appropriate.

Speaking of which, why are we all ignoring the second amendment’s built in limit: its purpose of supporting a “well regulated militia”?

Stephen Moses, Palm Springs

This article originally appeared on Palm Springs Desert Sun: Gun control, mass shootings, the Second Amendment | Desert Sun letters