This Grip Shift Will Help You Crush Your Heaviest Lifts

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Photo credit: South_agency - Getty Images

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Anyone who has done both a pullup and a chinup knows the difference that changing your grip can make. Indeed, it’s one of the simplest things you can do to inject more variety into your training routine.

But switching up how you hold a bar (whether you’re hanging onto it or heaving it off the ground) can pay dividends not only in how you work your muscles, but also in how much weight you can move and how many reps you can perform. Case in point: the hook grip.

What Is the Hook Grip?

If you’ve spent any time around the weight rack, you’re likely already familiar with the three fundamental weightlifting grips: overhand (palms facing the body, also called a pronated grip), underhand (palms facing away from the body), and neutral (palms facing inward/toward each other). The hook grip is a variation on the overhand grip, with one adjustment. Instead of wrapping your thumb around the bar outside of your other fingers, you put your thumb around the bar under your pointer and middle fingers, so that the latter fingers covers it.

Two things happen when you switch from a standard overhand grip to a hook grip. First, you'll increase the strength and integrity of your holding power during heavy lifts. Second, the grip puts your wrists in a more stable position that initiates a cascade of postural changes. The most significant of these occur in your shoulders, which more naturally rotate back and down. That, in turn, allows you to more easily engage your core, increasing the support and stability of your spine. The greater your core engagement and spinal stability are, the more force you can generate, and the more weight you can lift. It’s that simple.

When to Use the Hook Grip

The hook grip generally works best with big, compound lifts that are initiated by the lower body, such as the deadlift, clean, and snatch. But it can also help you generate more power in a handful upper body exercises as well, including the bent-over row and pullup.

If you’re doing the bent-over row, employ the same strategy that you do when you apply the hook grip to a deadlift, clean, or snatch, wrapping your thumbs around the bar under your pointer and middle fingers. For the pullup, however, you'll want to wrap your thumb over your other fingers. In so doing, you’ll create better external rotation in your shoulders, which will increase the strength and stability you can bring to every rep.

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