GH Tested: Shark IQ Robot Vacuum with XL Self-Empty Base

Photo credit: amazon
Photo credit: amazon

If you’re looking for cleaning to take place when it suits your schedule (even if that means when you’re not home), consider the Shark IQ Robot.


EFFICIENT CLEANING: Using navigation tools, the IQ Robot maps out where to clean and works through your space row by row. At 3.5 inches high, it fits under low furniture to snag dust bunnies from hard-to-reach places like under the bed. It also traces the edges of your space to sweep up dust and debris, and the side brushes reach into corners easily.

● SELF-EMPTYING: Robot vacuums have small dust bins, which usually require emptying after every clean. The extra-large bagless base suctions debris from the dust bin when the robot returns to charge, and doesn’t need emptying for multiple cleaning sessions.

MULTISTAGE FILTRATION: Its onboard filter traps irritating allergens, and the multiple filters in the base ensure dust is not released back into the room when it extracts the debris from the robot.

SELF-CLEANING BRUSH ROLL: Say goodbye to spending valuable time carefully picking hair and fluff from brush bristles. Long hair or pet fur rarely gets a chance to become entangled in the rubber blades.

APP DRIVEN: The app lets you set up cleaning schedules (even when you’re not home), and once it has thoroughly mapped your space, you can select certain rooms to clean (or skip). Use voice control through Google or Amazon to make it even easier to clean your space.

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