Firefighters Help Rescue Puppy With Head Stuck in Spare Tire

A three-month-old puppy found herself in a sticky situation when she got her head caught in a spare tire in Coachella, California, on January 22.

Footage by Riverside County Animal Services (RCDAS) shows the poor pooch’s head sticking comically out from the wheel as a rescue team tries to free her.

According to RCDAS, Officer Jose Cisneros transported the pup to the Coachella Valley Animal Campus to consult with his colleagues at the Veterinary Services Division.

The puppy, an Australian cattle dog, was sedated to calm her and a Riverside County Fire crew was called in to help.

Firefighters Virgil Messer and Tony Bribiesca used a Sawzall to cut a piece in the wheel to provide enough space for an easier rescue, and the pup’s head quickly popped out.

The puppy ate some food after the rescue and was to rest overnight under observation until being returned to her rightful owners, the RCDAS said in its post. Credit: Riverside County Animal Services via Storyful