Feds' star witness Ty Garbin testifies against his cohorts in Whitmer kidnap plot trial

Ty Garbin, who was arraigned in federal court in Kent County, Mich., faces charges related to what the FBI says was a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
Ty Garbin, who was arraigned in federal court in Kent County, Mich., faces charges related to what the FBI says was a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.
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More than a year after pleading guilty to his crimes, former militia member Ty Garbin took the stand Wednesday against his onetime comrades, telling jurors that no one convinced him or any of the others to join the plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.

The idea was theirs, testified the 26-year-old former airline mechanic, who told jurors that he was OK being labeled "a domestic terrorist" when he joined the militia group accused in the plot.

And so were his co-defendants, testified Garbin, who told the jury the group took several actions to pull off their plan, everything from building explosives and casing the governor's house to constructing a "shoot house" and creating secret chat rooms to avoid detection.

Garbin was part of all of this, he testified, telling jurors that he built a makeshift version of Whitmer's cottage on his property so the group could practice breaking in and snatching the governor. Whitmer's COVID-19 restrictions had brought the group to a breaking point, he said.

But Garbin told the jury that the kidnap plot was part of an even bigger plan to spark a civil war, stressing: "We wanted to be the first to kick it off."

Defense attacks Garbin's plea deal

A handcuffed Garbin took the stand in an orange baggy jail suit - his new full-time uniform as he serves a six-year federal prison sentence for his role in the plot.

Garbin, who could have gotten life if convicted at trial, was straightforward and soft-spoken during his testimony, telling jurors that he was hoping to get time off his sentence through his cooperation. His testimony marked day seven in a trial that has so far focused on testimony from an undercover informant named Big Dan and FBI agents who infiltrated the Wolverine Watchmen militia, and recorded their conversations and activities.

More: Defense fights to put 'double agent' on stand in Whitmer kidnap plot trial

More: Informant: I tried to 'de-escalate' ringleader's plan to kidnap and kill Whitmer

Defense attorneys sought to discredit Garbin's testimony, and grilled him about the deal that he cut with the government, it contradicted comments he made during summer 2020, when he allegedly called the kidnapping plot a bad idea numerous times.

"You said Adam Fox asked you to join the plot to kidnap the governor, correct?" Fox's lawyer, Christopher Gibbons, asked Garbin.

"Yes," responded Garbin.

"You got a deal in return for your cooperation," said Gibbons, adding Garbin could get even more time trimmed off due to his testimony at trial.

"That's not guaranteed," Garbin said.

"But you certainly are hoping that happens," Gibbons said.

"Yes," Garbin answered.

'My personal choice to be here'

During his testimony, Garbin walked the jury through what he described as the planning stages of the kidnapping plot, how it started off with discussions about storming the Capitol, to kidnapping the governor.

Along the way, Garbin said, the group eventually grew fearful that an informant or FBI agent had infiltrated the group. So they held a meeting to discuss the potential ramifications if they got caught plotting the kidnap, and how they were prepared to deal with them.

"This is my personal choice to be here," co-defendant Brandon Caserta is heard saying during the meeting, which was secretly recorded and played for the jury. "I accept responsibility for what happens here ... I'll do my time."

The meeting was held at the Lake Orion home of co-defendant Daniel Harris' parents

Garbin testified that the group took extra measures to make sure they weren't caught. For example, he said, in order to get into the meeting, members were asked to bring identification, everything from a driver's license or birth certificate to pay stubs, military discharge papers and a jail tag.

The defense has argued to jurors that the defendants were enticed and induced by informants and agents to do and say things they wouldn't have otherwise.

Garbin testified that wasn't the case.

'We are all felons'

Garbin told jurors that his role was to be part of the team that broke into Whitmer's home and snatched her from the home. He said Adam Fox, who is accused of being the ringleader, and Harris had the same role.

Top, from left: Adam Fox and Barry Croft
Bottom, from left: Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta
Top, from left: Adam Fox and Barry Croft Bottom, from left: Daniel Harris and Brandon Caserta

Garbin walked the jury through several meetings the group had in the months before their October 2020 arrest in an FBI sting, as well as his initial connection with Fox. He detailed how plans advanced from discussion of storming Michigan's Capitol in Lansing to take lawmakers hostage, to eventually circling Whitmer as the target.

Garbin told jurors that he joined the Wolverine Watchmen in March 2020, became a leader, and eventually met Fox at a June 2020 protest in Lansing.

More: Witness: Feds set up Whitmer kidnap suspects by promising beer, Buffalo Wild Wings

A week later, he was in the basement of the infamous Vac Shack, the Grand Rapids-area vacuum store where Fox lived under a trap door, a place he described as dark and dirty.

There, Garbin testified, he, Fox and others discussed various plans, including storming the Capitol, firebombing state police vehicles and obtaining explosives.

It wasn't until late June that the group's focus shifted to Whitmer, Garbin testified.

"Not in the sense of kidnapping, but we were looking at the governor," Garbin testified, adding there was also discussion about placing the governor under citizen's arrest.

Garbin also testified about a road trip to Cambria, Wisconsin, where the group was headed for a training exercise. He was in a car with an undercover informant known as Big Dan and three co-defendants when one of the men, Harris, told the group that he was carrying an illegal firearm — a modified short-barreled rifle.

Co-defendants Caserta and Kaleb Franks also were in the car.

"We are all felons," Harris was heard saying in a recording captured during the car ride.

The jury heard the recording, which also captured Harris telling others he didn't want to travel through Chicago for fear of being pulled over. "Y'all are all in the car with an illegal (weapon)," Harris is heard telling the group.

Garbin testified that the rifle was an AR-15 with a fixed stock, which offered more stability when firing. He said that Harris told him he would keep a pistol stock on the rifle when driving in case he ever was pulled over.

Once the group arrived at Cambria, Garbin said, the men participated in a series of training exercises, from building explosives to constructing a makeshift shoot house to simulate an indoor setting.

"Our purpose with the shoot house was to simulate an indoor space. We hadn't narrowed down (Whitmer's) vacation home as the final spot," Garbin said.

Garbin also testified about a medical station that was set up in Cambria, where a tent was designed to treat severe wounds — gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds and lost limbs.

"Are those the kind of wounds you expected to receive," Assistant U.S. Attorney Nils Kessler asked.

"Yes," Garbin responded.

The prosecutor continued walking Garbin through various meetings and communications between the defendants, including a message that Harris wrote in an encrypted chat.

Harris wrote someone should just "cap" Whitmer, or shoot her, Garbin testified.

Defense challenges Garbin

On cross-examination, Gibbons pressed Garbin to explain how he viewed Fox, who Garbin described as the leader of the plot and who lived in a dark vacuum shop basement.

"Is it fair to say it could be described as squalor, kind of sad?" Gibbons asked of the Vac Shack homestead.

Gibbons went on to criticize the weapons that Fox had — arguing that in comparison to Garbin's equipment, Fox's guns were severely lacking.

"I wouldn't say they were bottom of the barrel, more middle of the road," Garbin said, conceding that Fox's guns lacked in comparison to his and that of Big Dan, the informant.

Gibbons then asked Garbin if he respected Fox.

Garbin said he did.

But Gibbons challenged him, citing a group chat in which Garbin made fun of Fox after Fox had shared a photo of himself in a tight-fitting tactical helmet.

Gibbons' line of questioning was part of the defense theory that no one took Fox seriously, that he didn't have the skills to pull off any kidnap plot, and that no one would have followed him, as prosecutors have alleged.

Attorney Julia Kelly, who is representing Harris, sought to impeach Garbin by comparing his testimony at trial with comments he made to the FBI shortly after his arrest, which she said contradicted his trial testimony.

For example, Kelly showed Garbin transcripts of him telling FBI agents after his arrest that he thought the kidnapping plot was "a turn off," that field training exercises were really just hangouts where men would drink beer, and that he "flipped" out on Fox after he brought up wanting to kidnap Whitmer.

Garbin said he didn't remember saying any of those things to the FBI, and that the transcripts didn't refresh his recollection.

Prosecution introduces physical evidence

For the first time in the weeklong trial, the prosecution brought out physical evidence Wednesday — including Garbin's full tactical kit: A modified AR-15 rifle with a red dot sight, pistol grip, attached flashlight and threading on the barrel to attach a silencer.

The prosecutor showed the jury the rifle, along with a Glock-19, a bulletproof vest, a tactical helmet and a night vision scope.

Garbin testified that the gear was part of the kidnapping plan and the center of chat conversations.

Garbin, who was nicknamed "Gunny" in encrypted group chats, was the group's de facto weapons expert. Fox and others went to him for advice on which guns would be best for an operation, he said.

In one chat sent on Oct. 1, 2020, Fox told others he spent around $3,000 on guns, but also was saving money for purchasing explosives.

"I'm dropping like $3,000 on some s*** today," Fox wrote. "Got some new boom boom on the way."

Garbin said he attempted to counsel Fox on buying different weapons, which he testified would be more reliable, but that Fox had already spent the money.

In the chatroom, Caserta told Fox he was excited to shoot his new gun, if Fox was cool with it.

"I'm just trying to get on y'all level," Fox replied.

Before wrapping his direct examination, the prosecutor asked Garbin if he or any of the other members were convinced by FBI informants to conspire to kidnap Whitmer.

"No," Garbin answered.

Garbin's testimony resumes Thursday.

A second convicted plotter, Kaleb Franks, 27, of Waterford, is expected to testify later during the trial.

On trial are Fox, 38, of Potterville; Barry Croft, 46, of Delaware; Harris, 24, of Lake Orion; and Caserta, 33, of Canton Township. All are charged with kidnapping conspiracy; three are facing weapons of mass destruction charges.

If convicted, they all face up to life in prison.

Contact Tresa Baldas: tbaldas@freepress.com

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Feds' star witness Ty Garbin testifies in Whitmer kidnap trial