Families divided: How to avoid big political blow-ups at your Thanksgiving dinner this year

Nashville barber shop manager Shelby O'Neal voted for Joe Biden. Her businessman dad voted for Donald Trump. Father and daughter got through the election with just a few political dust-ups between them.

Until a week or so after Election Day.

O'Neal shared with her father that she was really excited that U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris was poised to become the first woman vice president. But her dad, Preston O'Neal, didn't share his daughter's enthusiasm. An argument broke out.

Political skirmishes among coworkers and friends are tough to deal with, Nashville area mental health experts said. But blow-ups between loved ones can be really painful.

"We had a bad time last week," Preston O'Neal, 63, said in a Zoom call with his daughter and the Tennessean.

"I got upset and said some things I shouldn't have said, and for that, I’m terribly sorry."

Shelby O'Neal, 26, also struck a conciliatory note. "I really wish that hadn’t happened," she said.

Preston O'Neal, a Donald Trump supporter, and  his daughter, Shelby O'Neal, a Biden supporter, talk via Zoom about their different views on politics in Nashville, Tenn. Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020.
Preston O'Neal, a Donald Trump supporter, and his daughter, Shelby O'Neal, a Biden supporter, talk via Zoom about their different views on politics in Nashville, Tenn. Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020.

Both said they sometimes don't feel heard or respected by the other when they clash over politics. Both said those conflicts can be painful. And both admit to being hard headed.

"We share a lot of the same personality traits," he said, smiling, "and dealing with myself is not the easiest thing in the world to do."

"We are just alike," Shelby O'Neal added.

It won't be just the presidential election adding stress to this year's family holiday gatherings. The pandemic and racial injustice issues are turning up the temperature as well, experts said.

The first step to avoid Thanksgiving dinner disaster — show up with empathy and with reasonable expectations, Nashville psychotherapist Jenn MacMaster said.

Jenn MacMaster, Nashville-area therapist and licensed clinical social worker
Jenn MacMaster, Nashville-area therapist and licensed clinical social worker

"This is not the time to expect our families to magically be the Hallmark version of themselves for which we always longed," MacMaster said.

Here are some other strategies to keeping sane — and to avoiding shouting matches — at Thanksgiving dinner and other holiday gatherings this year.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself

Do the normal things you do to take care of yourself before and during Thanksgiving, experts said. Get plenty of sleep, don’t drink too much alcohol, don't overeat and get exercise and sunshine, Vanderbilt psychiatrist Abhi Saxena said.

When you get there, remember humility, the experts said. If you choose to engage in conversations about the elections, do so humbly, MacMaster and Franklin family therapist Kyle Cruze said.

"Share authentically, recognizing that you feel as though you are right," Cruze said, "but there is a chance that you may be wrong.

"None of us has all the answers," he said. "Humility goes a long way."

And keep in mind that it's highly unlikely you'll change anyone's deeply-entrenched political views, the experts said.

"Consider saving your breath," MacMaster said.

Boundaries, people, boundaries!

Dr. Lloyda Williamson, psychiatry department chair at Meharry Medical College
Dr. Lloyda Williamson, psychiatry department chair at Meharry Medical College

If it makes you uncomfortable or tense, it's perfectly OK to set boundaries with others at family gatherings, the experts said.

You can say you'd rather not talk about politics or even set a time limit on the topic, said Dr. Lloyda Williamson, chair of the psychiatric and behavioral sciences department at Meharry Medical College.

And you can hit the eject button on any conversation at any time, she said.

"When you realize you're getting upset, your voice is raising, it's OK to say, 'It's been good talking with you. Let's change the subject,'" Williamson said.

It's also OK to steer clear altogether of relatives who make you uncomfortable, Vanderbilt's Dr. Saxena said. "Be smart about that," he said.

Remember why you came — and give grace

Did you show up to a family gathering to argue about politics?

Probably not. You came to reconnect with loved ones by catching up with siblings, playing with nieces and nephews, cooking with your grandmother.

So focus on those bonding moments for perspective, MacMaster said.

Dr Abhinav Saxena, medical director for Vanderbilt Behavioral Health
Dr Abhinav Saxena, medical director for Vanderbilt Behavioral Health

"Twenty years from now, what will you want to recall about this time?" MacMaster said. "What would give you peace, a sense of pride, or maybe even joy...?"

"2020 has been a year like no other. We’ve all been through a lot," Saxena said.

"Make sure you spend quality time with one another, have patience with one another and cut each other some slack," he said. "This is not the time to needle each other about politics."

Quite the opposite, he said.

"If things happened in the past, this is a good time to forgive and move on. A lot of things have been put into perspective this year," Saxena said.

"If we can find it within ourselves to forgive, what a good time to do that."

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Thanksgiving dinner: How to avoid arguments over politics this year