Exactly What to Do After You Pick a Zit

Exactly What to Do After You Pick a Zit

Sometimes zit-picking just happens. You know you shouldn’t do it, but it's just too tempting.

“When you pop a pimple, you are putting pressure on the skin to force out blockages within the pores,” says Joshua Zeichner, MD, Director of Cosmetic and Clinical Research in Dermatology at the Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. “Picking the wrong way can lead to inflammation, scabbing, or even scarring.” In some cases, skin-picking and zit-popping can cause marks that last for months—in others, the scarring can be permanent. Yikes!

Okay, so once the damage is done, what should you do next? Below, Dr. Zeichner explains the correct steps to take in order to minimize damage and maximize your potential for clear, healthy skin.

Step 1: Rinse

The actual gunk that you are popping out of your skin is often a mixture of different things—most often dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria. “Oftentimes, pus builds up under the skin without a clear connection to the surface,” Dr. Zeichner explains. “So popping the pimple means disrupting the barrier and creating a wound that will need to heal.”

The first step in healing any open wound is to try to limit the spread of any bacteria or infected cells. You should rinse the skin right away with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Don’t use any face scrubs or exfoliants, just stick with a foaming facial cleanser and carefully pat your skin dry afterward using a clean washcloth.

Step 2: Address bacteria

Next, you’ll want to apply a topical ointment that can “prevent the area from getting infection and allow the skin to heal properly,” Dr. Zeichner says. This could be a topical antibiotic ointment or an acne spot treatment. If you choose the latter, look for one that contains at least 2.5 % benzoyl peroxide, which works to directly kill Propionibacterium acnes bacteria—the bacteria that causes acne—and 2% salicylic acid.

These two ingredients are a one-two punch to clean and minimize pimples. “The benzoyl peroxide lowers levels of acne-causing bacteria, while the salicylic acid dries out the pimple and removes dead cells that block the pores,” Dr. Zeichner explains.

Step 3: Calm Inflammation with a DIY Mask

If you are experiencing severe inflammation of the skin—i.e. redness and swelling—you can also layer on a bit of hydrocortisone, which works on the skin to keep things calm. For larger pimples and pustules, Dr. Zeichner recommends mixing all three ingredients: benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and hydrocortisone. Put a dot of your benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid-infused spot treatment and a dot of hydrocortisone in the palm of your hand, mix them together, and apply the mixture just to the popped pimple—don't go overboard and apply it to a larger section of your face! Then leave it on overnight to work its magic and rinse your skin in the morning.

Step 4: Keep your hands off

We know—not always easy. But once you’ve properly cleaned the wound and layered on your topicals of choice, it’s best to keep your hands off of your face entirely. Touching it repeatedly, as tempting as it may be, will transfer more bacteria onto the surface of your skin, likely causing more acne. And after all the work you’ve put in? Hard nope!

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