Everything to Know About Salmonella and How to Treat an Infection

Photo credit: Stephanie Phillips - Getty Images
Photo credit: Stephanie Phillips - Getty Images

From Woman's Day

You often hear of foods being recalled for salmonella contamination, but may not exactly know what salmonella is - just that it's bad. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), salmonella is a bacteria that is often found in raw fish, eggs, chicken, meat, and veggies. When a person consumes food that is infected with the bacteria, they develop a salmonella infection which, according to the Mayo Clinic, affects the intestinal tract and can cause fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. Although most people recover within a few days, others can develop severe dehydration and life-threatening complications if the infection spreads past the intestines.

With so many product pulls happening because of salmonella contamination, like Trader Joe's recent cantaloupe recall, it's important to know what happens - and what to do - if you consume salmonella. Here's everything you need to know about salmonella infections, from causes to the treatments.

What causes a salmonella infection?

The main cause of a salmonella infection is the consumption of food that has been contaminated with feces, according to the Mayo Clinic. Some of the most commonly infected foods include raw meat, raw chicken, raw seafood, raw egg, fruits, and vegetables. The spread of salmonella can also occur when people don’t wash their hands properly after using the bathroom. This is why, aside from proper hygiene, restaurants urge their employees and customers to properly wash their hands every time they visit the bathroom.

According to the Mayo Clinic, people who have travelled internationally to countries with poor sanitation or who own birds and reptiles have a higher risk of being infected with salmonella.

What are the symptoms of a salmonella infection?

According to the CDC, most people who have been infected with salmonella can experience diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. Salmonella can also cause nausea and vomiting, which can last anywhere between four to seven days. Most people, however, don’t show any symptoms, as reported by the Mayo Clinic. In some rare cases, people can experience intense dehydration as well as life-threatening complication if the infection spreads.

Who is more prone to a salmonella infection?

Anyone can get infected with salmonella. However, children, adults older than 65 years of age, and people with weakened immune systems may suffer more severe symptoms.

How is a salmonella infection treated?

There is no medication needed to treat a salmonella infection, unless it has spread. The main course of treatment is to replace the fluids lost.

How do you avoid a salmonella infection?

You should always be cautious of eating anything raw, especially eggs. One way to avoid any contamination is to always wash your hands after using the bathroom and before preparing or consuming food. Another way is to keep raw meats, chicken, and seafood away from the other foods in your fridge and while preparing them. The Mayo Clinic even recommends using two separate cutting boards for your raw meats and for your fruits and vegetables and to wash your cutting knives between foods.

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