These Little Clues Foreshadowed That Big Reveal In "Wednesday"

If you're still reeling about the ending of Netflix's mysterious and spooky Wednesday series, you're not alone. Following the misadventures of Wednesday Addams during her time at Nevermore Academy, a school for "outcasts" with supernatural abilities, the show takes us on a wild ride to uncover the truth behind a monster that's terrorizing the town.

Tyler saying "how do you feel about scary movies?"
Tyler saying "how do you feel about scary movies?"

Netflix / Via

You know what's coming... 🚨🚨🚨 spoilers ahead! 🚨🚨🚨🚨

The big twist is that Laurel Gates, the sister of Garrett Gates, a student formerly murdered on the grounds of Nevermore, has returned to enact revenge. Though Laurel is presumed to be dead, like the rest of her family, she is very much alive and plans to resurrect a bigoted pilgrim named Joseph Crackstone, so that he can rid the town of outcasts and those who wronged her family.

Wednesday saying "Little did I know I would be stepping into a nightmare"
Wednesday saying "Little did I know I would be stepping into a nightmare"

Netflix / Via

Under the guise of Nevermore's sweet teacher, Marilyn Thornhill, Laurel has unlocked a beast that's called a Hyde, in the form of a seemingly non-magical teenager named Tyler. Tyler, whose mother was also a Hyde, is bonded with his master and transforms into a monster to do her bidding.

Wednesday and Tyler
Wednesday and Tyler

Netflix / Via

Wednesday learns that Hydes are typically vindictive by nature, though their ability to transform remains dormant until a master "unlocks" it through trauma, hypnosis, or a chemical substance. Tyler, who has a troubled past, bonds with Miss Thornhill when she unlocks his Hyde through a plant-derived chemical.

Turns out, this creepy and kooky reveal was foreshadowed all along. Here are nine clues that hinted at Thornhill and Tyler's villainous doings.

1.When Miss Thornhill first appears in the series, she is welcoming Wednesday to her new digs, shared with roommate Enid. The scene takes place right after we learn of a mysterious murder in the woods near the school, and Thornhill immediately draws attention to the dirt she's tracking into the girls' room ("Oops, sorry about the mud!").

Thornhill with Wednesday and Enid

It's safe to say that Thornhill was in the woods with Tyler around the time of the attack.


2.Considering Thornhill teaches botany, many of her plants symbolize her sinister nature. She gifts Wednesday a black dahlia (which, yes, can be attributed to Wednesday's love for all things morbid), and teaches her students about the ghost orchid, whose characteristics are resilience, adaptability, and survival in a hostile environment. Could this be a metaphor for Laurel Gates's ability to blend in and survive despite her family's terrible past?

Thornhill teaching about plants

During another class, we see Thornhill with a Venus fly trap and hear her teaching about a plant that deceives and lures its prey. These dangerous plants can also be seen as a foil to Dr. Valerie Kinbott's pink roses.


3.When we first meet Tyler, a local normie who works at the Weathervane cafe, he's busy trying to repair a broken espresso machine. One of the first things he tells Wednesday is that the contraption is "a temperamental beast with a mind of its own." This is no coincidence. Tyler himself will be revealed to be that very type of monster.

Wednesday fixing the espresso machine for Tyler

4.Tyler is close to the monster attacks on numerous occasions. In Episode 1, he and Wednesday are together at the fair, and only when they part ways does the beast first make an appearance. Later in the series, when Wednesday, Enid, and Tyler explore the old Gates house, Tyler is nowhere to be found when the monster arrives on-screen.

Tyler looking surprised in the woods

5.When the authorities refuse to believe Wednesday's recount of Nevermore peer Rowan being murdered by a monster, Tyler says he believes her.

Rowan in "Wednesday"

Of course, he does!


6.In Episode 3, Wednesday asks Tyler for the location of the old pilgrim meeting house. While she's there, the monster appears but doesn't attack. Considering Tyler was the only person who knew she would be at that location, the beast's arrival makes sense.

Wednesday at Pilgrim World

Plus, at the end of this episode, a voiceover by Wednesday says, "The truth is there are monsters everywhere." As she says this, we are shown Tyler in the bathtub, dunking his head under the water to scream with rage.


7.At the Rave'N school dance, Tyler overhears Eugene's plan to visit the monster's cave. Shortly after, Wednesday "introduces" Tyler to Miss Thornhill and then leaves them alone to go grab drinks. We can assume this was when the villainous pair discussed Eugene's plan and why Thornhill decides to go and destroy the cave.

Wednesday, Tyler, and Thornhill at the Raven school dance

8.When Wednesday is working on her novel, Thornhill gives her a copy of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a story about a monster and its master. Wednesday quotes Shelley, saying, "No man chooses evil because it is evil; he only mistakes it for happiness, the good he seeks." Considering Thornhill's mission is to resurrect Crackstone, which she believes is for the greater good, this quote is big-time foreshadowing.

Wednesday typing on her typewriter next to Miss Thornhill

9.Before Wednesday's departure from Nevermore at the end of the series, Thornhill brings her a white oleander as a parting gift. Wednesday comments that this flower is "one of nature's deadliest" while Thornhill counters that it symbolizes "destiny and renewal." This is a significant clue pointing to Thornhill's plan to rid the town of outcasts, despite its terrible and deadly nature.

Wednesday holding a white oleander

What did you think of Wednesday Season 1? Share your thoughts in the comments below!