Ethan the Rescue Dog Is 'Doing Very Well' After Overcoming Health Issues from Prior Abuse

beer dog
beer dog

busch Ethan the dog

Ethan the dog — who was abandoned in the parking lot of the Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) in January and was later adopted by the rescue's facilities director — is living his best life after overcoming some health issues stemming from his prior abuse.

The 1-year-old pup had been suffering from "daily seizures" due to "numerous lesions and additional brain damage in his frontal lobe," his new adopted family previously said.

However, in a Facebook update shared on Thursday, his owners say Ethan is "doing very well" now that his seizures have stopped under his current treatment.

"His loving personality and joy for people is back in full swing and he continues to bring smiles and happiness to everyone we run across," the update read. "His seizures seem to be gone for now. But we monitor his health so closely every day."

According to Ethan's family, the pooch now "has a bed that he's learned to stay in, even as people and dogs walk by."

Ethan the dog
Ethan the dog

Kentucky Humane Society

RELATED: Ethan the Rescue Dog Overcomes Brush with Death to Become Professional Dog Beer Taste Tester

Jeff Callaway, who welcomed Ethan into his family after overseeing his recovery at KHS, added that the pooch now even joins him at work.

"I love that he's welcome at work and that so many people love to see him there. Since that seems pretty boring to do all day, usually after a few hours he'll go and spend time in vet services," Callaway wrote. "They always have a space for him and he fits right in to whatever they're doing, whether it's treating other animals or doing surgery."

In another update on Sunday, Ethan's family shared that he was recently able to spend time at a dog-friendly brewery as "a testament to how well he's been doing lately."

"It was so great to meet so many people," they said. "It's been quite awhile since Ethan has had one of those weekends."

RELATED VIDEO: Abandoned Dog Is Rescued And Learns To Trust Humans Again

Ethan was found emaciated and alone, weighing just 32 pounds, in the parking lot of the KHS this January. At the time, he was too weak to lift up his head.

In the weeks following his abandonment, Ethan won over hearts by amazing strides, regaining enough strength to walk on his own and packing on around 50 pounds to reach a healthy weight.

He was adopted by Callaway's family in March and Ethan was named the Chief Tasting Officer for Busch Beer's Dog Brew two months later.

In July, Ethan's family revealed that he had been struggling with neurological issues "as a result of extreme starvation that occurred prior to him being left at KHS."

"He is struggling right now but he has the best care possible," the said at the time. "Please keep Ethan and our family in your daily thoughts as we struggle through this very difficult time. And please honor all the wonderful things Ethan has brought to everyone's life by doing something kind for someone every day."