Here’s What Eating Too Much Processed Meat Does to Your Heart Health

Photo credit: Lakota Gambill
Photo credit: Lakota Gambill
  • Consuming a little over five ounces of processed meat per week may put you at greater risk for heart disease and early death, according to new research.

  • While packaged foods like jerky are popular snacks, raisins, dates, and fruit are healthier options that will still give you the energy to keep going.

You’ve just come back from a long workout, and you want to eat a quick snack to start refueling before you make lunch. Beef jerky, half a ham and cheese sandwich, or bananas and peanut butter are all options—but should any of these fuel choices be up for reconsideration?

According to a new study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, you may want to cut back on the jerky and deli meat.

Researchers looked at data compiled from more than 134,000 people in 21 countries who tracked their meat consumption and cardiovascular illness for more than a decade. They found that consuming 150 grams or more—a little over five ounces—of processed meat per week was associated with a 46% higher risk of heart disease and a 51% higher risk of early death than those who ate no processed meat. That association wasn’t present with unprocessed red meat or poultry.

One limitation with this study is that researchers did not look at what those with low processed meat consumption ate instead. It’s possible that their better health outcome might be from loading up on vegetables and whole grains in addition to eating processed meat rather than simply cutting it out completely.

That said, do these results mean you can never bite into a Slim Jim again? Like so many food choices, this one benefits from limitation over outright restriction, Wisconsin-based dietitian Kara Hoerr, R.D., told Bicycling.

“Processed meats can be enjoyed in moderation, but when possible, we need to aim for getting most of our nutrition from whole foods, which includes unprocessed meats,” she said.

The additives, like a high amount of salt, can be problematic for staying hydrated. But Hoerr said there are processed foods that can be very beneficial. For instance, if you’re fueling a long run, energy gels and bars can be “a convenient and fast way to help you refuel—a critical piece in being able to stay on top of your nutrition.”

“The quick carbohydrates are needed to replenish your glycogen stores and provide energy for your working muscles,” she said.

If you want to limit processed or packaged foods in your everyday life, Hoerr suggested snacks such as raisins, dates, boiled potatoes, and fruit, which can all give you a glycogen reset.

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