Drag queen teaches mind-blowing math lesson by folding paper

Meet the drag queen that specializes in brain-blowing math and riddles.

Video Transcript

- So you've probably heard before that it's impossible to pull the sheet of paper in half more than like seven or eight times. So here's one fold, fold number two, three, four, five, and six. And I can't do any more than this.

Now let's say, I was physically capable of holding this 42 times. How thick would this get? Would you believe me if I told you that thickness would actually go from earth to the moon. Well, let's rewind a bit.

When I folded this in half once, it was the thickness of two sheets of paper. Twice, and it was the thickness of four sheets of paper. Three times, it would be the thickness of eight sheets of paper, which is two to the power of three. And every time you fold it, it's thickness doubles, so the powers of two make sense.

So folding it in half 42 times would get you the thickness two to the power of 42 sheets of paper, which is over four trillion. Let's say the thickness of an average sheet of paper is just 1/10 of a millimeter. Multiply that by four trillion and convert to kilometers. You actually overshoot the moon, and that's on exponential growth.