What does PMO mean? There are a few (very different) possibilities

TikTokers have started to use "PMO" but the acronym has more than one meaning. Here's what you need to know. The acronym "PMO" stands for "put me on" according to Urban Dictionary. Put me on is another way of saying "hook me up" or "link me up" with someone. someone might use PMO when they want someone to follow them on social media. But when someone says something like, "My friend put me on to this" they're conveying a similar but slightly different meaning. According to Merriam-Webster, the phrase "put someone on to" means, "to give (someone) information about (something)". While the former meaning refers to making a connection between two people, the latter refers to making a connection between a person and a thing or piece of information. Another common meaning of "PMO" is "piss me off." For example, "My teacher is starting to PMO with these hard assignments"