Could This Be The Secret to Celebrity Weight Loss?

Meet the newest tool in getting slim: iLipoX. 

Let’s be 100% honest: There is no easy way to remove fat. It doesn’t matter if you get Liposuction, start a juice cleanse, or begin an intensive diet and exercise regimen, it will always take hard work, some degree of pain, and lots of determination.

That’s not to say though, that there aren’t ways to help you along. iLipoX, a technique favored by celebrities such as Jessica Alba and Khloé Kardashian, is one of those things. Basically, iLipoX is a non-invasive laser (meaning it doesn’t hurt), which uses infra red light to reduce fat cells. Each treatment lasts 20 minutes, and consists of the patient lying on a bed while six paddles are placed on the area that requires treatment. The paddles emit a gentle warmth, but absolutely no pain.

Here’s how it works: The infrared light penetrates an inch under the skin to directly target fat cells. When the light hits them, it causes the fat to get squashed out of the cell, just like squeezing the juice out of a grape. The fat is then released into the body to be used as energy or, if it’s not used, to find some other place to settle down again.  It is recommended to do 30 minutes of cardio within four hours of the treatment.

According to Dr. Jamé Heskett, a certified homeopath and wellness expert at The Wellpath clinic where the iLipoX is a frequently used tool, removing fat this way should strictly be viewed as an assistive tool. “It’s not something that can replace exercise, and it shouldn’t be looked at that way,” she stresses. “When used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, its extremely helpful in removing stubborn areas of fat — for women this tends to be the stomach, thighs, and butt — that can be hard to get rid of through targeted exercise.” With a recommendation of eight sessions, the iLipoX becomes a great way to firm up unfavorable areas before the summer season. “I typically have clients come in right before a vacation or big event,” says Heskett. “Over the course of eight sessions a patient can expect to see a reduction of one to three inches from a specific area. The important thing to realize however, is that fat is stored all over the body, so an inch will be lost from the entire mid section or thigh, not just one spot on the front or back.”

By approaching the iLipoX as a tool, rather than a magical fix-it, it takes on the same feeling as a waist trainer or face mask. Your skin and body needs a healthy and nutritious diet to look its best, but a monthly facial or exfoliation helps it along its way. “I believe in a mix of new technologies and a holistic approach to our bodies,” says Heskett, who is releasing a book on her theory to healthy living later this year. “Think of this as a helping hand to looking and feeling your best.”


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