Classic Children’s Books Parents Won’t Hate Reading

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From Esquire

On every trip, my husband and I take our toddler to the closest used book store and pick up a pile of kids’ books to read on the trip and bring home with us. Most of the stories in our regular rotation were dug up from the backs of thrift shops or “3 for $5” bins—and they’re classics we probably wouldn’t have discovered otherwise. Here are 20 of my favorite classic kids books which you’ll like reading as much as your kid will like listening—and which hold up today.

May I Bring a Friend?, by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers

A little boy invites his friends—wild animals—to visit the king and queen in this lyrical Caldecott Medal-winning book. It's written like a long poem, which makes it fun to read, and it doesn't speak down to kids.

Casey at the Bat, by Ernest Thayer

This book based on the 1888 poem by Ernest Lawrence Thayer is one of my favorites to read aloud. The tale of the Mudville Nine and the team's arrogant star batter Casey is beautifully written with an unexpected end. It's been around for centuries for a reason.

Frog and Toad, by Arnold Lobel

Arnold Lobel’s stories about two best friends are subtle and sweet. My favorite is “Alone,” a story about Frog needing a bit of alone time. (What parent can't relate to that?) Toad gets worried that his friend is mad at him, but Frog assures him he just wanted to reflect on how happy he is. As in every Frog and Toad story, the friends are happiest when they're together. The story ends with the beautiful line, “They were two best friends, spending time alone together.”

Elmer, by David McKee

This sweet story of a patchwork elephant who is trying to figure out how he fits in with the other elephant-colored elephants is the first in a series from British author David McKee. When you get sick of reading Elmer over and over and over and over, as kids are wont to request, you can get more of the series.

Is Your Mama a Llama?, by Deborah Guarino

This is a good short one for young kids—because sometimes, at the end of a long day, you just want a short book before bedtime. It's a charming, alliterative tale about a baby llama looking for his mother—and you've gotta give the writer credit for attempting to rhyme llama with Rhonda.

The Snowy Day, by Ezra Jack Keats

This 1962 children’s book by author and illustrator Ezra Keats, about a little boy named Peter enjoying the season's first snow, is as beautiful as it is fun to read. Once you've read The Snowy Day, you'll notice Peter references everywhere—from stamps to statues (there's one in New York City's Imagination Playground)—thanks to the book's cultural significance. "Peter was among the first non-caricatured African-Americans to be featured in a major children's book," according to NPR.

Make Way for Ducklings, by Robert McCloskey

Mrs. Mallard and her ducklings Jack, Kack, Lack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack are looking for a nice place to live in Boston. The names alone make this one a fun one to read out loud. If you're ever passing through Boston, you can visit the famous statues inspired by the book in the Public Gardens.

Katy and the Big Snow, by Virginia Lee Burton

If your kid is as obsessed with trucks as mine, this 1943 story by Virginia Lee Burton is a must. So many books about cars and trucks are terribly boring to read, but this one has a great story. Katy the snowplow saves the day by digging Metropolis out of the blizzard blankets.

The Little Engine That Could, by Watty Piper

When your kid enters the inevitable “no” phase, it’s time to add this “I think I can” classic to your rotation. It's repetitive, which makes it perfect for younger kids, but it builds anticipation, so it holds up for older kids with longer attention spans.

Corduroy, by Don Freeman

This 1968 book tops every best-books-for-kids list for a reason. It’s a short and sweet story about a department store bear looking for a forever home.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go, by Dr. Seuss

You do have to be in the right mood to read Dr. Seuss’s tongue-twisters aloud. But, really, hearing a grown-up stumble over the words is part of the fun for a kid. This is one of Seuss’ best stories.

Pete’s a Pizza, by Williem Steig

Cartoonist William Steig’s books mix fable and realism—most of them are quirky, but some border on disturbing. If you want to wade into Steig’s work, Pete’s a Pizza is a safe bet. It’s about a little boy stuck inside on a rainy day whose parents play a game with him pretending to make him into a pizza to pass the time.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, by Bill Martin, Jr. and John Archambault

An alphabet book turned into an actual story that reads like song lyrics. This one may get stuck in your head—but it's not too annoying.

Goodnight Moon, by Margaret Wise Brown

Pro tip: Hold off on buying this book, because it’s nearly guaranteed someone will buy this classic for you as a gift. We have three versions. But, with verses to be read in hushed tones, it really is the perfect bedtime story.

The Little Airplane, by Lois Lenski

Get the board book version of this 1938 classic by Lois Lenski—it’s a short and easy one to read, and the simple illustrations are perfect for babies and toddlers to tote around. If it turns into a favorite in your house, there’s a whole series about Mister Small.

The Giant Jam Sandwich, by Janet Burroway and John Vernon Lord

The tale of the time 4 million wasps flew into Itching Down is absurdly charming. How better to capture all of the insects than build an enormous jam sandwich? The illustrations are beautiful, too.

A Squash and a Squeeze, Julia Donaldson

Though children’s book writer Julia Donaldson is better known for The Gruffalo, I’d recommend her earlier book, A Squash and a Squeeze. It’s funnier and quirkier than The Gruffalo, and has a better lesson—how to appreciate what you have.

Peeny Butter Fudge, by Toni Morrison and Slade Morrison

Icon Toni Morrison wrote a little-known series of children’s books with her son Slade, including this cute story about a child’s relationship with their grandparents.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, by Michael Rosen

Reading this award winner out loud feels more like performing. Playwright Michael Rosen describes the sounds of stomping and splashing through the woods while looking for a bear, which makes it a kid favorite and really fun to read.

The Runaway Bunny, by Margaret Wise Brown

When your kid is in one of those moods where they want nothing to do with you, this sweet story about a parent bunny telling their kid "if you run away, I will run after you" is a good reminder for you both.

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