Canned Peaches Work Wonders For A Simple And Delicious Crisp

Peach crisp in baking dish
Peach crisp in baking dish - Brent Hofacker/Shutterstock

The warmer months of the year see delicious stone fruits, such as peaches, coming in season and inspiring people to whip up homemade peach cobblers, pies, family-favorite peach cake, and other tasty peach-focused dishes. But you don't have to wait for summer to enjoy a peachy treat -- you can break out some canned peaches and enjoy a taste of summertime before the season is officially in swing.

One dish that you can make with canned peaches is a peach crisp. A crisp is similar to a cobbler, but instead of a doughy topping, a crisp has a crunchy, streusel finish, adding texture to the treat. A crisp has the same fruity flavors as a cobbler, combined with buttery, caramelly notes and often a touch of cinnamon thanks to the streusel topping. Plus, canned peaches are typically sweeter than fresh peaches, providing an extra sugary flavor ideal for when the sweet-tooth cravings hit.

One of the best parts of a peach crisp is that it's easy to make. You can bring the dish together in about 10 minutes of prep time, using simple ingredients you likely already have in your pantry.

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Why Canned Peaches Work So Well In A Crisp

Open can of peaches
Open can of peaches - Handmadepictures/Getty Images

One reason canned peaches are a great pick for a crisp is that they are already cooked, making them much softer than fresh peaches. When you use canned peaches in your crisp, they create a mushy base that cushions the crunchy topping for a great balance of textures. Another reason why canned peaches are such a great choice for a crisp is that they don't require a ton of prep work. All you have to do is drain the peaches, add them to your baking dish, make your streusel, and sprinkle it over the top. There's no need to wash, peel, and cook a bunch of peaches first, saving you a lot of time in the kitchen.

Finally, canned peaches work well in a crisp recipe thanks to their sweet flavor. Commercially canned peaches are often packed in syrup with added sugar, which causes the fruit to taste sweeter than the fresh variety. The result is a dessert that's got all the sugary flavors you're hungry for.

Toppings And Add-Ins For Your Peach Crisp

Peach crisp with ice cream
Peach crisp with ice cream - Yala/Shutterstock

Using canned peaches to make a crisp doesn't mean "boring". There are plenty of ways to get creative with your peach crisp to give it some extra "oomph." One way is to play around with the fruit. Rather than using only peaches, you could add canned pears to the mix. Or, throw in some fresh or frozen blueberries to add tartness and a pop of color.

Another way to mix things up is to change up your streusel topping. Swap out some of the flour for oats or mix in some chopped nuts to enhance the crunchy texture. Or, incorporate spices into your streusel mixture. Cinnamon is a common choice, but you could also add a slight kick with ginger or go for something warm and earthy, like nutmeg.

Finally, you can give your peach crisp extra flair by adding an extra topping. A classic choice is a hearty dollop of ice cream, whether you make ice cream at home or grab a tub from the supermarket. Go a bit lighter and top your peach crisp with whipped cream -- give it a grown-up spin with booze-infused whipped cream -- or keep it family-friendly and crown your crisp with yogurt to balance out the sweetness. However you finish your peach crisp, you'll have an easy yet versatile dessert to enjoy when you start with canned peaches.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.