How to get a body like Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez at the Macy's 4th of July Firework Show at Hunter's Point South Park on June 30, 2017  - GC Images
Jennifer Lopez at the Macy's 4th of July Firework Show at Hunter's Point South Park on June 30, 2017 - GC Images

The pictures that emerged a few of weeks ago of Jennifer Lopez’s toned abs should have surprised no one. The singer-come-actress is known for her love of exercising and has previously spoken about how working out boosts her mood, as well as keeping her famous curves toned.

She’s a fan of the Tracy Anderson technique, which promises to sculpt rather than bulk-up your figure, and Lopez also regularly trains with A-list trainer David Kirsch when she's in New York. Kirsch takes a more holistic approach to working out and is very hot on nutrition. Despite training with some of the best fitness experts, the Shades of Blue actress has still faced the same struggles as most mothers with her body though. In 2013, Lopez admitted to The Sunday Telegraph's Stella Magazine that it took her over a year to get back into shape after having her twins, Emme and Max who are now nine years old.   

Jennifer Lopez's most stylish looks to date

As she turns 48 today, we asked the experts how we too can get a body like J-Lo.

Resistance is key

Lopez is renowned for her curves and while any form of exercise will change your body shape slightly, fitness expert and founder of Workshop Gymnasium, Lee Mullins recommends resistance training: “Complex movements like squats, deadlifts and lunges will help you create the toned curves rather than losing them.” If you’d rather enlist in a class, try TRX session at your local gym. Heartcore’s TRX Core class is also very good.

Bodyism Resistance Band - Easy
Bodyism Resistance Band - Easy

For an at-home workout, invest in a resistance band like Bodyism’s, £12, which comes in three strengths depending on your enthusiasm. Incorporate the band into your squats and lunges.

Full-body conditioning

If you want to follow Lopez’s workout to the letter, Tracy Anderson’s method is available on DVD and personal trainers specialising in the technique are available on demand if you're London-based. In terms of David Kirsch's method, he too has DVDs, but his website also offer five free trial days of his routine, which take just five minutes per day. 

Tracy Anderson The Method for Beginners DVD
Tracy Anderson The Method for Beginners DVD

For those who want to mix it up a bit more, Mullins recommends doing full-body circuits at-home. “Choose four exercises, one lower body, one upper body, one core and then a cardio style and do each exercise for 45 to 60 seconds and repeat four to five times,” he says. “The exercises can be anything from push-ups and mountain climbers to skipping and lunges.”

Pass on the diet

While it can be tempting to enlist in a crash diet to get to the weight or shape you want, it’s not what J-Lo would do. In fact, the actress toldUS Weekly last year that she doesn’t drink, smoke or have caffeine. But she is a fan of her greens. “We eat a lot of green vegetables, asparagus, Brussel sprouts, broccoli and kale,” she said. Each morning she treats herself to a 90-calorie chocolate Body Lab Shake, a protein company that she endorses, made with water or quinoa milk, and for lunch she’ll have greens with salmon.

Adonis Angelides, head coach at Virgin Active in Islington stresses the importance of avoiding fad diets, “Eating healthily and often is key. The results from having a balanced diet and regular meals mean that natural curves will be enhanced if you are doing the appropriate exercise.”  

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