Aruba’s ‘Election Disconnection’ Program Will Take Your Mind Off Politics With the Help of Beaches, Puppies, and Cell-phone Lock Boxes

Though it’s vitally important for all Americans to stay engaged in politics to ensure our democratic process continues to work, it’s also critical to take a break now and then to stay sane. That’s where the island of Aruba comes in.

On Tuesday, the Aruba Tourism Authority announced the first-ever Election Disconnection, which offers guests to the island a tailored escape from the election noise in 2020. The best part of the trip? You have to give up all your electronics so you can truly disconnect from the 24-hour news cycle.

“Escape the political headlines in a digital-free oasis in Aruba,” the island explained on a new website. “Equipped with lockboxes for your smart devices and no WiFi access, the luxury, off-the-grid properties will give guests a chance to truly disconnect and find their inner peace. And with Aruba’s prime location outside of the hurricane belt, guests can enjoy the sunshine and have one less thing to worry about.”

And really, the island may be onto something. According to an American Psychological Association survey, 56 percent of adults said the 2020 election is already a “significant stressor,” and we are still nearly an entire year out from Election Day.

Prior to heading to the island, visitors will complete a stress test to rank their specific election-stress symptoms. A travel expert will then review the results and tailor an itinerary for each guest’s needs.

To help calm frayed political nerves the island will offer puppy hours so guests can relax with an adorable furry friend, guided meditation sessions, relaxing on the beach, and more.


To take part in the program simply register via This way, you’ll also receive priority access when bookings go live on March 2, 2020 (you know, the day before Super Tuesday).

The exclusive and stress-free trips will take place next year in October, so Americans can return to the U.S. relaxed and fully prepared to cast their vote on Nov. 3, 2020.