Aries Horoscope 2020: What the Stars Predict for You This Year

Read your sign's monthly horoscope to see what the universe has in store for you, or check out the Aries personality profile.

Welcome to the roaring 20s, Aries. Ready for a year of massive change and transformation? Not only can you handle it, you're ready to use that fire sign magic to unlock your dreams. The solar eclipse on December 26, 2019 asked you to maintain the focus you've had on your goals by holding on to your individuality, despite professional pressure to perform. As this year kicks off, the spark from this transit continues. Being true to yourself pays off; ride a wave of abundance from now until June.

Saturn conjuncts Pluto in hardworking Capricorn on Sunday, January 12. This is an especially important transit for you, Aries. Business is booming. However, to make it last, avoid overspending. It may not be fun, but it's important — Capricorn knows what to do when it comes to matters of business. This energy asks you to stay focused and avoid distractions in order to hold on to success.

The sun moves into your sign on Thursday, March 19, causing a cosmic conjunction that leads to a flurry of shakeups. For you, this means expanding beyond your current professional limitations. Your business restrictions may be related to money, or perhaps you've recently narrowed your audience or clientele in order to achieve the most fruitful gains. When Saturn, the planet of discipline and restriction, enters community-oriented Aquarius on Saturday, March 21, it's time to go big or go home. Take advantage of your business's recent traction and any money you've saved and assess what you can do to expand your reach even further.

With all the career momentum you're having this year, partners may feel you're spending too much time on work and not enough on them.

Romance planet Venus goes retrograde on Wednesday, May 13, where it will stay until Thursday, June 25. When this planet is retrograde, communication in relationships can often become stagnant. Though Aries is not as affected by this retrograde as other signs, you will still need to watch out for mopey and stubborn partners. As Venus is also the goddess of beauty, try to avoid getting a major makeover during this time, if possible.

With all your career momentum, romantic interests may feel that you're spending too much time on work and not enough on them. Give your partners time and attention when you can, but don't do it at the expense of your career. You're used to getting what you want, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Remind them that they fell in love with a hardworking Aries, and be sure to thank them for their support.

Your ruling planet, Mars, goes retrograde in your sign on Wednesday, September 9, where it will stay until Saturday, November 14. While Venus is retrograde, certain concepts that society tends to associate with femininity, such as emotions, and communication, and aesthetics, become trickier. While Mars is retrograde, concepts typically associated with masculine energy, such as aggression, sex, and negotiation tactics, often become more difficult. More than any other time in 2020, you may experience professional setbacks during this retrograde. You may struggle to assert yourself both professionally and personally. The good news is that such roadblocks are usually of our own device, which means that you have control. You may also find that Mars retrograde can inflict just enough pressure that your true inner strength is revealed.

2020 goes out with a bang. There is a lunar eclipse in charismatic Gemini on Monday, November 30. Lunar eclipses often result in endings, so get ready to let go of a gig or relationship that just isn't working. Eclipses attack again on Monday, December 14, during a solar eclipse in adventurous Sagittarius. Avoid traveling during this time.

Eclipses are wild cards on their own, but both of these events set the stage for a conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on Monday, December 21. This conjunction squares Uranus in Taurus, which is basically like a cosmic volcanic eruption. If there are problems in relationships or repressed anger at work, it will flow over like burning lava. No one can hide from the truth. Hopefully, this means you finally get what you want now that everyone is acting honestly. However, if you spent 2020 biting your tongue, the final days will bite you.

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Originally Appeared on Allure