'Stranger Things' star David Harbour blesses teen's senior portraits with his presence

Burn your senior portraits. They'll never live up to these.

Twitter user @postydemaris put her fellow classmates (and, frankly, all of us) to shame when she secured Stranger Things star David Harbour for a guest role in her high school senior portraits. 

SEE ALSO: We might not get another season of 'Stranger Things' until 2019 because next year's gonna suck too

This is a story two months in the making. 

Back in October, @postydamaris reached out to Harbour (who stars as Jim Hopper in the beloved Netflix series) via Twitter to ask his price for an appearance in her photoshoot. Within 20 minutes, he responded: "25k. And I get to wear the school sweatshirt and hold a trombone."

By the following day, @postydamaris had reached her goal, and Harbour agreed to hold up his end of the bargain. Fast forward to January when the pair finally got together to shoot the photos. 

And yes, per their original agreement, Harbour got his trombone.

WATCH: Hopper from 'Stranger Things' is beefing up to play Hellboy

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