What Every Chicken Owner Should Know About the Dangers of Lash Eggs

Photo credit: The Chicken Chick/Facebook
Photo credit: The Chicken Chick/Facebook

From Country Living

Most backyard chicken keepers come across an array of egg abnormalities at some point or another. While rubbery shells, eggs with no yolk, and blood spots are no reason for concern, a lash egg could mean something more serious.

Lash eggs may look like eggs, but they're really a buildup of puss, according to Melissa Caughey, the blogger behind Tilly's Nest and author of How to Speak Chicken. These masses are caused by salpingitis, an inflammation of the chicken's oviduct cause by an infection.

https://www.facebook.com/TheChickenChick/photos/a.... data-width=\"800\"">

If your chicken lays one of these funky masses, it's a red flag. They may be suffering from a virus, or bacterial infection. Lash eggs can be caused by various bacteria including E. coli, Salmonella, and more.

Hens that produce lash eggs should be treated by a vet. They can determine what likely caused the lash eggs and direct you towards the best treatment. They may recommend an antibiotic or the inflammation may go away on its own. Though some people say it's a death sentence for chickens, Melissa says chickens can be treated and become healthy again. "I've had a chicken that lay one and went on to live more years and returned to laying normal eggs," she said.

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To ensure your flock doesn't fall ill, develop reproductive issues, or produce lash eggs, it's important to make sure they develop strong immune systems. "It's all about prevention," Melissa said. "It's important that you keep the feeders clean, make sure you're disinfecting the water regularly, provide your chickens with a good poultry seed based on their age, and keep their coop clean." Good hygiene is key.

Rest assured that lash eggs are pretty rare, though. " Out of all the seven years I kept chickens, I've only seen one," she said. Nevertheless, it's always best to be prepared and ready to care for your pet.

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