Andy Cohen rips 'discriminatory' FDA guidelines preventing him from giving blood

As he was wrapping up Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen Thursday night, Cohen revealed that he has been deemed ineligible by the FDA to give blood due to the fact that he’s a gay man. Testing is underway to find out if antibodies in the plasma of COVID-19 survivors can be used to treat those currently battling the disease, and Cohen, who recently recovered after being diagnosed with the disease last month, wanted to do his part to help. So he signed up for a program to give plasma, only to find out he couldn’t.

Video Transcript

ADAM COHEN: I was told that due to antiquated and discriminatory guidelines by the FDA to prevent HIV, I am ineligible to donate blood, because I'm a gay man.

- "Bravo's" Andy Cohen, who recently recovered after being diagnosed with the coronavirus last month revealed Thursday night that despite the recent easing of FDA guidelines on blood donations to help deal with the virus, he was still deemed ineligible to give blood.

ADAM COHEN: Even the new relaxed rules require gay men to abstain from sex for three months, whether they're in a monogamous relationship or not, before giving blood, though no such blanket restrictions exist for people of other sexual orientations.

- As coronavirus deaths in the US continue to rise, testing is underway to see if antibodies in the plasma of survivors may help those currently battling the disease. And Cohen claimed there's a huge hole in the reasoning for his being unable to participate.

ADAM COHEN: All donated blood is screened for HIV. And a rapid HIV tests can be done in 20 minutes or less. So why the three month rule? Why are members from my community being excluded from helping out when so many people are sick and dying?

- And Cohen believes that in 2020 the FDA rule should be gone altogether.

ADAM COHEN: My blood could save a life, but instead it's over here boiling. We're quarantining. We're social distancing. We're wearing masks.

Why can't we adapt when it comes to this rule? It is bad enough the quarantine has us wondering what day it is. I'm sitting here wondering what year it is.