According to Adam Pally, Baby Yoda Is 'a Bit of a Diva'

From Esquire

The Mandalorian’s first season had some tense moments, but any situation that found Baby Yoda facing peril was particularly stressful. There was that scene in Episode Six that found guest star Bill Burr fully dropping The Child, and worst still, the tiny alien was kidnapped by Scout Troopers in the series finale, and one of them had the audacity to punch the kid.

That Scout Trooper was played by guest star Adam Pally, and while talking to the press to promote his new NBC sitcom Indebted, he revealed what it was like to punch the prop that his fellow Mandalorian actor Werner Herzog called “heartbreakingly beautiful."

“I remember the first take that I did when I punched him,” Pally told reporters. "They called ‘Cut!’ and [showrunner Jon Favreau], who was watching on a monitor in his office, he came down from this office and said, ‘I just want to let you know that this is the hero Yoda and it costs, like, $5 million. So while I want you to hit it, I just want you to know that.’ Because I think I took a big swing at it. And the next three takes I missed, because I was so nervous."

And while I felt something close to actual physical pain while watching the little guy get walloped, Pally had a more rational perspective on delivering the punch. "As a human, I don't care,” he told The Hollywood Reporter, “it’s not a real baby nor a thing, so I'm fine with it!"

He also dished on what it was like to work with everyone’s favorite alien. "I gotta tell you, the truth is that Baby Yoda is a bit of a diva,” he joked. “He’s constantly vaping.”

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