5 Mother’s Day gifts under $30

Mother’s Day is May 13, 2018, but showing your mom you care doesn’t have to break the bank. Here are five gift options for less than $30.

A photo album is a gift any mother is sure to love. Artifact Uprising lets you upload photos from your computer, or even your Instagram or Dropbox account, to create a seamless, paperback photobook. You can personalize it with messages, captions, photo layout, and you can change the size of the book. Prices start at $15.

If your mom is an avid writer, how about a velvet-bound notebook from West Elm. The Public Supply brand notebook is made with soft velvet, recycled paper, and the company donates a quarter of its profit to public school art programs across the country. You can choose one of three colors — light gray, light pink or navy blue — with prices between $16 and $20.

If your mom is more of a reader than a writer, how about an unlimited e-book subscription. You can choose from several providers, like Kindle, Scribd or Oyster. There are lots of options out there for this, and many of them let you read a book on the devices you already own, like an iPad. The Scribd unlimited subscription is $8.99 a month, Amazon’s Kindle unlimited is $9.99, and both give you a month trial for free.

For the chef, consider a Himalayan pink salt slab. Salt slabs can be used under meat on the grill, saute, bake or chill dishes to bring out flavors. You can find these at lots of stores, like Lowe’s and Target with prices ranging from $20 to more than $100 depending on how fancy you want to get and how large you want it to be.

And for the mom who likes to relax (what mom doesn’t need a day of R&R?), consider a spa gift basket like this one on Jet.com. For $26.99, she’ll get shower gel, bubble bath, bath salt, lotion, body spray and a bath fizzer.

Happy Mother’s Day!
