3 months after Kentucky tornadoes, Mayfield mayor shares stories of hardship and heroics

HENDERSON, Ky. — Kathy Stewart O'Nan has stories — stories of hardship, heroics and heartbreak that she will likely be telling for years.

On Thursday, the Mayfield mayor told a few of those stories to the Henderson Rotary Club, with tears and laughter in equal measure on the three-month anniversary of the massive tornado that destroyed her town and killed 80 people across Kentucky.

"I love to tell those stories," she said. "Of course, it's a sad backdrop to these stories, but they are about people who dropped everything and came running. Nobody came looking for a medal, they came because they wanted to help. And that's what Mayfield is. That's what our town is all about."

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Her favorite story is that of Marco Sanchez, an inmate on a work-release detail at the Mayfield Consumer Products candle factory when the tornado hit. The deputy jailer who was overseeing the inmates was killed when the building collapsed, and even though Sanchez had broken ribs and a broken leg, he went to work rescuing people from the rubble.

Mayfield Mayor Kathy Stewart O'Nan speaks to the media following an appearance as guest speaker at the Henderson Rotary Club meeting Thursday, March 10 at the Henderson Public Library.
Mayfield Mayor Kathy Stewart O'Nan speaks to the media following an appearance as guest speaker at the Henderson Rotary Club meeting Thursday, March 10 at the Henderson Public Library.

Sanchez, who had been homeless when he was arrested on a theft charge, had three weeks left in his sentence, O'Nan said. Many people in his position would've fled, but he not only stayed and helped, he later turned himself in to a state trooper.

"This was a man who did the right thing," she said. "He made the right choice."

Sanchez is a free man now, released on March 1. He was offered an early parole but chose to finish serving his time. His sister in Arizona saw him on television news and traveled to see him when he got out. He was given a commendation by the Graves County Sheriff. Someone from a neighboring county gave him a car in recognition of what he'd done.

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It's stories like that, O'Nan said, that she will always remember — accounts of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. She said there is a "magical" quality in seeing people come together to help their neighbors in the wake of such tragedy.

She talked about a group of people digging through the rubble of a home to help a woman find the ashes of her child who had passed away; it was the only possession the woman cared out. The ashes were found.

She spoke about attending a funeral for a 2-year old child. The child's mother was a former student of hers. She talked about another woman who had lost everything and was simply grateful to be alive; the collapse of the town's water tower washed her out of her home before the house collapsed. Otherwise she would likely be dead.

"We've had tragedies before, but nothing like this," O'Nan said. "Immediately, the people of Mayfield started showing the world who we were. We started digging our neighbors out and doing what needed to be done."

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One day she got a call from the White House. She didn't know who was calling her phone, but Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, who was at the scene, found her and told her what was happening.

"I told him, 'It's not like it says 'President Joe Biden' there on my phone!'" she laughed. "So there I am, talking to the president on the governor's phone! All I could think was, I wish I was still a teacher so I could tell all my students about this."

She said when she met President Biden in person, he was wearing a baseball cap with the logo of the Beau Biden Foundation. She told the president she liked the hat and wanted one. The next day, she got a message from the White House that her souvenir was on the way.

President Joesph R Biden took a walking tour of Mayfield.
Dec. 15, 2021
President Joesph R Biden took a walking tour of Mayfield. Dec. 15, 2021

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Mayfield has a long way to go. About two-thirds of the rubble and debris has been cleared. Officials are in the planning stages to rebuild the town, but almost everything was destroyed. O'Nan said when the sun rose the next morning after the storm and she went out to view what had become of her town, it "looked like someone had dropped a million boxes of matches" on the area.

It will be a long time before Mayfield will be Mayfield again, but O'Nan said that represents a rare opportunity — the chance to build a community from the ground up, one that all its residents can have a voice in creating.

"It's going to be a lot of fun," she said. "We have a clean slate and a chance to do things the right way. It's going to take a lot of patience and hard work, but I think when you visit Mayfield 10 years from now you're going to see great things."

This article originally appeared on Henderson Gleaner: Mayfield mayor gives update 3 months after Kentucky tornadoes