23 Kids Who Didn't Realize These Were Fails Until Way Too Late

1.This kid, who put the silverware away like this:

2.This kid, who wanted to be a "big boy," and he paid the price:

3.This kid, who called this "making a sandwich":

4.This kid, who tried to put their bowl in the sink, and this happened:

5.This kid, who mistook his mom's sanitary product for a juice bottle and packed it in his lunch for school:

  Adrienne Niebert / Via Facebook: adrienne.nibert
Adrienne Niebert / Via Facebook: adrienne.nibert

6.This kid, who tried to make cookies, and, well:

7.This kid, who made their parents this anniversary cake:

8.This kid, whose mispronunciation is one for the ages:

9.This kid, who stumbled upon her parents' vibrating penis ring and brought it to school, thinking it was something else:

10.And this kid, who tried to replace the batteries in their controller with crayons:

11.This kid, who thought they had written, 'To Mum, you are fantastic":

  thentherewerethree / Via Instagram: @thentherewerethree
thentherewerethree / Via Instagram: @thentherewerethree

12.This kid, whose mom told her to put her pizza in the fridge, and she did this:

13.This kid, who did the dishes while their mom was gone:

14.This kid, who helped hang the ornaments on the Christmas tree:

15.And this kid, who tried to sneak onto their parents' iPad one too many times:

16.This kid, who tried to help do the laundry, and included a few extra things:

17.This kid, who was close, really close:

18.This kid, whose mom had to jump in and clarify her statement:

19.This kid, who put their toys away like this:

20.This kid, who wore this pin to school, and then asked their teacher — a pastor — to read it:

21.This kid, who hung their church clothes up like this:

22.This kid, who didn't think anyone would notice if they took a little taste of the cake icing:

23.And this kid, who swept up their mess after dinner and then "threw it in the bin"...all of it: