21 Hilarious Reactions To The 2021 MTV Video Music Awards

The 2021 MTV Video Music Awards were tonight, and y'all already KNOW that Twitter came through with some absolutely A+ reactions to the show. So without further ado, here are just a few of the very best:

1.This gauntlet thrown:

2.This fashion lovers' dream week:

3.This timeline jog:


5.This unrealistic body standard:

6.This invisible look:

7.This SZA savior:

8.This reference:

9.This incredible performance:

10.This meme moment:

  Jim Henson Co., MTV
Jim Henson Co., MTV

11.This heat warning:

12.This acceptance speech:

13.This accurate reaction:

14.This perfect sound clip use:

15.This marvelous moment:

16.This comparison:

17.This "shock":

18.This quote tweet:

19.This enraged ex:

20.This apt image use:

21.And finally — this perfect prediction by Doja Cat herself:

There ya have it! What did you think of this year's MTV Video Music Awards? Share all of your thoughts in the comments below! OH! And if you loved what you read, be sure to click through and follow your favorite creators on Twitter to make your timeline a more fun place to be!