21 Of The Funniest Reddit Jokes About "House Of The Dragon" Season 1

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Now that Season 1 of House of the Dragon has come to an end, here are some of the funniest jokes that Reddit commenters have made throughout the season. H/T to r/freefolk and r/houseofthedragon.

1.On Larys, in general:

"Alicent: Larys: may I do an atrocity for you m'lady"

2.On the ride home:

"I know Aemond's ride home on Vhagar was dead silent like me and my dad driving back home from a little league game where I struck out 5 times"

3.On Rhaenys's escape:

"Imagine being a peasant just trying to go to work, and you get fucking tail wiped by a dragon...at an event to which you were literally dragged...this coronation could've been an email"

4.On brotherly love:

"100 year old, bedridden, half-lucid Viserys who is missing an eye and an arm, open wounds, can barely hold his head up and actively decomposing: dies...Daemon: MY BROTHER WAS MURDERED...Struck down in his prime"

5.On Larys's fetish:

"Larys Tarantino over here"

6.And again:

"Fellas, have you ever killed your brother and dad for a glimpse of some tasty feet?...Chaos is a ladder, or maybe more of a footstool...Over 100 years before there was Littlefinger, there was Littletoe"

7.On Criston's temper:

"Didn't have masturbating to feet on my bingo card...Did have Ser Criston overreacting and murdering an innocent though"

8.On confusing naming conventions:

"STOP NAMING YOUR KIDS AEGON...If enough kids are named Aegon, the prophecy will eventually come true"

9.On Vaemond's last moments:

"Say it...I know what you are...bastards....He got straight up fruitninja'd"

10.On Daemon's glare:

"I didn't notice it in episode 2, but otherwise Daemon has had a completely silent scene in every episode....that man says a thousand words with his eyes and posture"

11.On Rhaenyra's human Spotify:

"Rhaenyra having an actual dude be her replay button was hilarious...Go back 12 seconds by order of your Princess"

12.On Westerosi weddings:

"Wouldn't be a Westerosi wedding without at least 1 violent crime...Just don't go to a wedding if your name is Joffrey"

13.On the hour of the owl:

"...nothing good ever happens during the hour of the owl; several of the servants have now admitted to seeing her, the Princess, creeping through the gates from King's Landing, disguised as a page during the hour of the owl Me: NOT THE HOUR OF THE OWL"

14.On Stannis and fire:

"Damn, no one told Stannis he could light up the map...He was too busy doing that to his daughter"

15.On Corlys and Vaemond:

"love how corlys was ready to avenge his brother for all of 3.6 seconds; he was legit like WTF? I'm about to kill someone! Rhaenys then tells him why he was beheaded; Corlys then goes to oh well shit he had it coming then lol; shit dude got off easy"

16.On Aemond's eye:

I gotta say, Aemond's sapphire eye looks sick as fuck; the actor is perfect for the role; yeah, which is lucky considering they didn't have a whole lot of actors with a sapphire in their eye socket to choose from

17.On It's Always Sunny in Westeros:

Aemond: I'm absolutely not, under any circumstances, going to start a dragon war; Aemond starts a dragon war

18.On Vhagar:

Aemond: Serve me Vhagar; Oldest living thing in the world: No; Imma serve myself some dinner

19.On Luke:

Did I really just watch Lucerys get eaten? No, you watched Arrax get eating; Luke was just an accident; Luke was just garnish

20.On war crimes:

Vhagar the war criminal really said fuck them kids

21.And finally, on collecting dragons:

Everyone be playing checkers while Daemon be playing Pokemon