20 Cringey And Weird Things Celebrities Did At The Beginning Of The Pandemic That Are Wild To Look Back On Now

It seems like a completely different world because it was, but one of the weirdest parts about the early pandemic days was all the weird shit celebrities did. In the moment, it was very frustrating, but two years later, I find myself laughing at how out of touch and chaotic celebs were at the time.

1.Remember when Vanessa Hudgens made this video about the inevitability of people dying from COVID?

She talks about "respecting the virus."

Vanessa said, "It's a virus. I get it. I respect it"
Vanessa Hudgens

And "yeah, people are gonna die."

Even if everybody gets it, like yeah, people are gonna die"
Vanessa Hudgens

"But inevitable."

"Terrible, but like inevitable. Maybe I shouldn't be doing this right now haha"
Vanessa Hudgens

2.Sia posted this drawing that means...literally I have no idea what she was going for here.

The word 'VIRUS' with the V I R crossed out leaving the word 'US'

Like, I've been thinking about this one for a while now.

Twitter: @Sia

Still, nope. Don't get it.

Twitter: @Sia

But I will always appreciate it because it turned into this:

3.Bette Midler saluted housekeepers and just, like, national brands, because it appears she has never cooked or cleaned before.

Thank you hashtag Kenmore and hashtag Maytag!

Comedy Central

4.How could you forget Gal Gadot and a bunch of famous people singing "Imagine"?

I still can't believe she got so many people to agree to do it.

Will Farrell participating in the singalong
@gal_gadot/ instagram.com

From Amy Adams...

  @gal_gadot/ instagram.com
@gal_gadot/ instagram.com

...to Natalie Portman...

  @gal_gadot/ instagram.com
@gal_gadot/ instagram.com

...to Mark Ruffalo.

  @gal_gadot/ instagram.com
@gal_gadot/ instagram.com

They even got Zoë Kravitz. 😭

  @gal_gadot/ instagram.com
@gal_gadot/ instagram.com

But also, I'll be eternally grateful for the memes it inspired. Like, looking back at the "Imagine" video *got us through* shit.

5.Madonna called the coronavirus the "great equalizer" from a bathtub sprinkled with rose petals.

  @madonna/ Instagram: @madonna


  @madonna/ Instagram: @madonna

6.Everyone forgets this, but she also sang a song from her bathroom to the tune of "Vogue" about eating fried fish because there was no more pasta.

Not sure why this one isn't on Spotify.

Madonna singing "Come on...go...let's go eat some frieeed fish"

7.Jennifer Lopez kept on posting pics and vids from her gorgeous/scary house that was giving major Parasite vibes.

I was both low-key creeped out and insanely jealous at the same time.

J Lo's son standing on a hoverboard in front of their swimming pool in her large manicured backyard

It was also weird because she was still dating A-Rod.

  @jlo/ instagram.com

8.Another iconic early J.Lo pandemic memory was this selfie she posted with a man seemingly screaming for help in the background:

Which, like, made this joke all too easy:

  @jlo/ Instagram: @https://www.instagram.com/jlo/?hl=en

9.Priyanka Chopra clapped to her huge lawn.

Wow, what a moment.


10.Drake showed us his "life for the next however long," which was just his private, full-size basketball court.

11.Sam Smith documented their breakdown — like, who was just sitting there taking pictures of them having a breakdown?

12.Katy Perry posted a video of Italian people singing her song "Roar" from their balconies.

Twitter: @PopCrave

Except that never really happened, some stan made it lol.

Twitter: @PopCrave

13.Madonna also fell for the same shenanigans. She thought they were singing her song "I Rise."

Twitter: @PopCrave

They weren't singing her song. That was also fake.

Twitter: @PopCrave

14.Remember when Jaime King made this really weird video thanking the coronavirus — like, the literal virus — for bringing people together?

  @JaimeKing/ instagram.com
@JaimeKing/ instagram.com

It was so weird how celebs were thanking a, um, deadly pathogen.


15.Evangeline Lilly bragged about not socially distancing.

Evangeline said, "Just dropped my kids off at gymnastics camp. They all washed their hands before going in. They are playing and laughing"
Evangeline Lilly/ instagram.com

Don't post!!

Evangeline said, "Just dropped my kids off at gymnastics camp. They all washed their hands before going in. They are playing and laughing"
Evangeline Lilly/ instagram.com

16.Arnold Schwarzenegger told us to socially distance from his Jacuzzi while smoking a cigar.

Twitter: @Schwarzenegger

17.Billionaire David Geffen wished us well from his private yacht.

David tweeted, "Sunset last night...isolated in the Grenadines avoiding the virus. I'm hoping everybody is staying safe"
David Geffen/Twitter: @nycsouthpaw

I wasn't jealous of a huge yacht in the Grenadines...nope, not at all while I was wiping my groceries down in a studio apartment.

David tweeted, "Sunset last night...isolated in the Grenadines avoiding the virus. I'm hoping everybody is staying safe"
David Geffen/Twitter: @nycsouthpaw

18.Kim Kardashian tried to tell us to take social distancing seriously, even though she was literally across the table from her mother.

"Social distancing is definitely the way to go," Kim said inside her home across the table from her mother.

Twitter: @KimKardashian

19.Jennifer Aniston posted a picture of her dog having "deep quarantine" thoughts.

Jennifer's dog sitting on her large balcony and taking in the scenery
@jenniferaniston/ Instagram: @jenniferaniston

Poor Clyde.

  @jenniferaniston/ Instagram: @jenniferaniston
@jenniferaniston/ Instagram: @jenniferaniston

20.And last but not least, I'll leave you with my favorite celeb reaction, A GOOD ONE, from the one and only Vanessa Carlton.

  John Atashian / John Atashian / Getty Images
John Atashian / John Atashian / Getty Images

She simply said this:

Overall, what a weird time to be alive! We were all so naïve, just some people had a bit more $$$ and social followings. Lessons learned all around.