17 Times TV Characters Issued Someone A Much-Needed Reality Check

We recently asked the members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us a time when a TV character completely and utterly dragged someone else. Here are the best submissions:

1.When Olivia Pope and Annalise Keating came for each other on the crossover episode of Scandal and How to Get Away With Murder.

Annalise saying Olivia is judgemental and bougie and Olivia saying Annalise is a bully

"That scene was ICONIC!!!"



Watch the full scene here:

2.When Elektra dragged a woman at a restaurant for making anti-trans comments toward her and her friends on Pose.

Elektra dragging some plain Jane suburb mom archetype

"Elektra has too many to pick from. We just need an entire list of Elektra reads."



Watch the full scene here:

3.When Emily had a little chat with Shira on Gilmore Girls because Shira didn't approve of her son dating Rory.

Emily telling Shira in a hushed tone that Shira was a gold digger and shouldn't keep Rory and Logan apart

Watch the moment here:

4.When Santana went on a rant about Kurt after he disapproved of her engagement to Brittany.

Santana going on a rant to Kurt about how annoying he is

"Santana’s rant was ICONIC."



Watch the full scene here:

5.When Miranda objected to Carrie's lunch with Big on Sex and the City.

Miranda telling Carrie that she turns into a pathetic, needy victim when she's around Big

Carrie and Big's relationship had been going in the same toxic circle for years. Miranda summed up what all SATC fans had been been yelling at their TVs every time Carrie got involved with Big again.


Watch the full scene here:

6.When Paris went off on Logan for hooking up with other girls during his break with Rory on Gilmore Girls.

Paris telling Logan that he is a waste of space on this planet

"'You offer nothing to women or the world in general.' Awesome."


The CW / The WB

Watch the full scene here:

7.When Veronica defended Mandy after a guy played a prank on her on Veronica Mars.

Veronica in front a crowded school hallway  telling a guy that he is trash for playing a prank on Mandy

"The 'If I wanted you to speak, I'd wave a snausage under your nose' line is ICONIC."



Watch the full scene here:

8.When Shoshanna was really drunk at Marnie's beach house on Girls and expressed her true feelings about Hannah, Jessa, and Marnie.

Shoshanna calling Hannah self-centered and Marnie depressing to be around

Watch the full scene here:

9.When Quagmire listed all Brian's flaws to explain why he hated him on Family Guy.

Quagmire calling Briana a pretentious hypocrite

Watch the full scene here:

10.When a lawyer on Criminal Minds was skeptical about behavioral analysis, and Hotch profiled him in front of a court.

Hotch in front of a court revealing that the lawyer questioning him is in debt and betting on horses

"Hotch just completely profiled him perfectly."



Watch the full scene here:

11.When Quinn said Santana was jealous of her on Glee, and they had some choice words for each other.

Quinn saying Santana has low self-esteem and Santana saying Quinn lets men define her life

Watch the full scene here:

12.When Elektra told off the bridal shop manager on Pose after he refused to sell her dresses because she and her friends are trans.

Elektra calling the manager short and not a real man

Watch the full scene here:

13.When Fitz detained Rowan on Scandal, and Rowan went off and called Fitz a spoiled little boy.

Rowan calling Fitz a spoiled brat

"He read Fitz into the ground."



Watch the full scene here:

14.When Amy called Selina a bad president on Veep because she got fed up with Selina and the president's new advisor.

Amy telling Selina that she is a terrible president.

Watch the full scene here:

15.When Maddy and Kat argued when they were supposed to be giving Cassie advice on Euphoria.

Maddy calling out Kat for being a bad friend and Kat calling out Maddy for being self-centered

This fight was kind of unexpected, but I understand where they were both coming from. When Maddy's parents were pressing charges against Nate for physically abusing her, she begged Kat to come over and talk, and Kat completely blew her off. There was some truth to what they both said.


Watch the moment here:

16.When Sandra gave Ritchie's anti-gay mom a reality check on It's a Sin.

Sandra telling Ritchie's mom she should've known he was gay because that's what any good mother can tell

Watch the full scene here:

17.And lastly, the queen of reads once more, Elektra from Pose when she confronted Candy and Lulu after they left the House of Abundance and started their own house, the House of Ferocity.

Elektra going on a rant calling Lulu and Candy dumb and useless

Watch the full scene here:

Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity

What are some other iconic times a TV character totally dragged someone? Let us know in the comments!