16 Father-Child Movie Scenes That Pack An Emotional Gut Punch

a collage of scenes from various movies

1.Click (2006)

Michael and his dad saying, "I love you"

2.Waves (2019)

Ronald saying, "Hatred stirs up strife but love covers all offenses" and then hugging his daughter

3.Big Fish (2003)

Will holding Edward; the characters at Edward's funeral

4.Lady Bird (2017)

Lady Bird's dad giving her her completed financial aid applications and them hugging

5.Eighth Grade (2018)

Kayla asking Mark if she makes him sad and him telling her that being her dad makes him happy

6.Leave No Trace (2018)

Will and Tom hugging in the woods

7.About Time (2013)

James saying, "My son" and Tim saying, "My dad"

8.Interstellar (2014)

pictures and videos of Joseph's son and daughter; Joseph crying

9.Field of Dreams (1989)

Ray asking his dad if he wants to have a catch and his dad as a young man saying he'd like that

10.Boyz n the Hood (1991)

Furious saying, "Give me the gun" and then hugging his son

11.Beginners (2010)

Hal asking, "Did you know about me?" and Oliver saying no

12.Call Me by Your Name (2017)

Elio's father saying to him, "To make yourself feel nithing so as not to feel anything? What a waste"

13.Return of the Jedi (1983)

Luke saying he's got to save Darth Vader, and Darth Vader saying he already has

14.CODA (2021)

Frank asking Ruby to sing for him and him putting his hand on her vocal cords

15.The Father (2020)

Anthony saying, "Thank you for everything" and Anne smiling

16.The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

Chas saying we've had a rough year and his dad saying he knows he has