15 Tiny Details In TV Shows That Took Seasons To Pay Off

There's nothing like a good callback or long-running gag in a TV show.

CBC / Via giphy.com

I especially like the ones that are subtle or unexpected. (I had personally never noticed that Hopper's daughter's blue hair tie had appeared in every season.)

hopper's daughter sara's blue hair tie reappearing throughout stranger things

It got me thinking about some other TV callbacks and running gags that took seasons to pay off, including:

1.The Beetlejuice joke in Community

beetlejuice on community

2.The random child who appears in both the Superstore series premiere and finale

shots of a child sitting on a potty in both the premiere and finale of superstore

In both episodes, Amy is seen walking past an unsupervised child, going potty in one of the toy aisles. It happens to be the same child, just a few years older.


3.The Schrute family's wedding tradition in The Office

dwight from the office saying we usually marry standing in our own graves. It makes the funerals very romantic, but the weddings are a bleak affair

In the episode "Phyllis' Wedding," Dwight explains that the Schrutes get married while standing in their own graves.

Later, in the series finale, Dwight and Angela indeed get married while standing in their own graves, though it ends up being a not-so-bleak affair.


4.Saul Goodman's cross-series career goals


5.And this Nathan Fillion one in Castle

nathan fillion in serenity and castle

6.George and Jerry's identical conversation in Seinfeld

george and jerry having the same conversation about buttons on seinfeld

In both the series premiere and finale of Seinfeld, Jerry and George have a conversation about how the second button of a shirt "literally makes or breaks the shirt," and if it's "too high" it's "in no man's land."

In the finale, George even asks Jerry, "Haven't we had this conversation before?"


7.The Art (Vandelay) of a good running gag in Seinfeld

jerry and george introducing art vandelay for the first time and judge arthur vandelay from the finale

The series finale also features the final joke in a long-running gag. Throughout the series, George uses the alter ego name Art Vandelay, and it ends up being the name of the judge who tries the case in the last episode of the show.


8.The foreshadowing of Buster Bluth's missing hand in Arrested Development

buster examining a hand-shaped chair and sitting on a bench advertising army uniforms

9.Penny's shirt in The Big Bang Theory

Penny wearing the same shirt over various Big Bang Theory episodes

In the premiere and finale of The Big Bang Theory, Penny wears the same blue and purple shirt. (She also wears it in the 100th episode, "The Recombination Hypothesis."


10.And, similarly, Kitty's outfit in That '70s Show

kitty wearing the same outfit in the series premiere and finale of that 70s show

Kitty also wears the same outfit at the parties in the That '70s Show premiere and finale.


11.The libraries of Parks and Recreation

leslie knope telling a librarian you're pretty cocky for someone whose job is obsolete because of the internet and later having a library dedicated to her while she mutters a fucking library under her breath

Leslie Knope and the rest of the Parks department's distaste for libraries is well-documented throughout the series, which makes the dedication of a library to her in the series finale all the more hilarious.


12.The familiar mover in Frasier

the same deliveryman in the series premiere and series finale of frasier

The delivery guy who takes Martin Crane's chair out of Frasier's apartment in the series finale is the same delivery guy who delivers it in the pilot. (Of course, it's not the exact same chair, as the original one went sailing over the balcony — and was replaced by Frasier — in the Season 9 episode "Bla-Z-Boy.")


13.Xander Harris' betrayal in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

xander telling buffy willow said for her to kick angel's ass in season 2 then buffy asking him if he remembers giving him that message in season 7 and willow saying she never said that

14.The Slap Bet in How I Met Your Mother

15.The Tom Hanks news in Veep

mike from veep saying anything could happen tom hanks could die in the series premiere and then a news report chyron saying tom hanks dead at 88 in the series finale

What are some callbacks and running gags that you've noticed in your favorite shows? Sound off in the comments!